An plugin for Hono to add HMR (Hot Module Replacement) to Hono routes development.
Package required:
- universal-autorouter, used under the hood to autoload routes
- Vite, needed for ViteDevServer instance
yarn add -D universal-autorouter-hono
// /app.ts
import path from 'node:path'
import { serve } from '@hono/node-server'
import { Hono } from 'hono'
import type { AutoloadRoutesOptions } from 'universal-autorouter'
const app = new Hono()
let autoloadRoutes
// Options of "universal-autorouter" or "universal-autorouter-hono" package
const autoloadRoutesOptions: AutoloadRoutesOptions = {
// Pattern to scan route files
pattern: '**/*.ts',
// Prefix to add to routes
prefix: '/api',
// Source directory for route handler files
routesDir: path.resolve(import.meta.dirname, 'api'),
// Directories for files used by route handler files (as default scan all files)
externalDirs: ['utils']
if (process.env.NODE_ENV === 'production') {
({ default: autoloadRoutes } = await import('universal-autorouter'))
autoloadRoutesOptions.pattern = '**/*.mjs'
} else {
({ default: autoloadRoutes } = await import('universal-autorouter-hono'))
autoloadRoutesOptions.pattern = '**/*.ts'
autoloadRoutesOptions.viteDevServer = '<ViteDevServer_INSTANCE>'
// Example with Vike package
// autoloadRoutesOptions.viteDevServer = globalThis.__vikeNode!.viteDevServer
await autoloadRoutes(app, autoloadRoutesOptions)
const port = +(process.env.PORT || 3000)
fetch: app.fetch,
}, () => console.log(`Server running at http://localhost:${port}`))
This project is licensed under the MIT License.