Libasyik is C++ microframework for rapid building HTTP/REST/Websocket-based service that combine boost::asio, boost::beast, and boost::fiber to achieve highly concurrent asynchronous network programming model in an easy synchronous-like, user-threading model(fiber).
#include "libasyik/service.hpp"
#include "libasyik/http.hpp"
void main()
auto as = asyik::make_service();
auto server = asyik::make_http_server(as, "", 8080);
// serve http request
server->on_http_request("/hello", "GET", [](auto req, auto args)
req->response.body = "Hello world!";
- Ergonomic concurrent programming model
- Based on lightweight thread using Boost::Fiber (easy to create millions of fibers!)
- Programming in synchronous fashions, but lightweight enough to implement 1 connection=1 Process to simplify network programming models
- Wraps boost::asio and boost::beast asynchronous APIs into "synchronous" libasyik's API's that generally much easier to use and programs
- API to rapidly build HTTP-based services
- Pattern matching with arguments supported for HTTP server
- Create websocket server as easy as HTTP request handlers
- API for HTTP and websocket clients
- API helper for doing rate limiting filtering
- SQL access APIs based on SOCI
- Support PostgreSQL and SQLite backends
- Wrapped as "synchronous" APIs for lightweight threads/fibers
- Built in logging based on Aixlog
void main()
auto as = asyik::make_service();
auto server = asyik::make_http_server(as, "", 4004);
// accept string argument
server->on_http_request("/name/<string>", "GET", [](auto req, auto args)
req->response.body = "Hello " + args[1] + "!";
// accept string and int arguments
server->on_http_request("/name/<string>/<int>", "GET", [](auto req, auto args)
req->response.body = "Hello " + args[1] + "! " + "int=" + args[2];
void main()
auto as = asyik::make_service();
auto server = asyik::make_http_server(as, "", 4004);
// serve websocket
server->on_websocket("/websocket", [](auto ws, auto args)
// executed as lightweight process/fiber
auto s = ws->get_string();
ws->send_string(s); //echo
ws->close(asyik::websocket_close_code::normal, "closed normally");
If you're using C++11 that does not support auto in lambda:
using namespace asyik;
server->on_websocket("/websocket", [](websocket_ptr ws, const http_route_args& args)
{ };
server->on_http_request("/name/<string>", "GET", [](http_request_ptr req, const http_route_args& args)
{ };
#include "libasyik/sql.hpp"
void some_handler(asyik::service_ptr as)
auto pool = make_sql_pool(asyik::sql_backend_sqlite3, "test.db", 1);
auto ses = pool->get_session(as);
ses->query(R"(CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS persons (id int,
name varchar(255));)");
int id=1;
int out_id;
std::string name;
ses->query("select * from persons where id=:id", soci::use(id),
- Features/Modules:
- Logging
- Fiber Framework
- HTTP/Websocket
- Basic HTTP with arguments
- Set and get HTTP payload and headers
- HTTP client
- Websocket server
- Websocket client
- Sending/Reading binary buffer
- Create SSL server
- Create multi-thread server
- Set request body and header size limit
- Apply rate limiter for HTTP API
- HTTP client receiving multipart response
- Handle HTTP connection and its responses manually
- Websocket idle timeout and keep-alive packets
- Extracting boost::url_view from http handler
- Internal KV Cache
- Leaky Bucket Rate Limiter
- Design/Rationale
- C++ compiler with >=C++11 support (C++14 or C++17 is recommended, tested with GCC 7.5.0)
- Boost library with Boost::context, Boost::fiber, and Boost::asio(Boost version 1.81.0 or above recommended)
- CMake > 3.12
- SOCI with SQLite and PostgreSQL backend and required low level libraries
- See Dockerfile to have a direct example of build environment
After all environment requirements demonstrated in Dockerfile are done, do this following steps:
cd ~
git clone
cd ~/libasyik
git submodule update --init --recursive
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j4
make install
After that, Libasyik is now ready to be included in new project. As example use following CMakeLists.txt template to invoke Libasyik using find_package():
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14)
SET(LIBASYIK_ENABLE_SOCI ON) # if SOCI database support is desired
set(CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD 11) # set to 14 or 17 when available
add_executable(${PROJECT_NAME} test.cpp) # add more source code here
#include other dependencies
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${libasyik_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} libasyik)
find_package(Boost COMPONENTS context fiber REQUIRED)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC ${Boost_INCLUDE_DIR})
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Boost::fiber Boost::context)
find_package(SOCI REQUIRED) # if SOCI database support is desired
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC /usr/include/postgresql)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC /usr/local/include/soci)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC /usr/local/include/soci/postgresql)
target_include_directories(${PROJECT_NAME} PUBLIC /usr/local/include/soci/sqlite3)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} SOCI::soci_core SOCI::soci_postgresql SOCI::soci_sqlite3)
find_package(Threads REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} Threads::Threads)
find_package(OpenSSL REQUIRED)
target_link_libraries(${PROJECT_NAME} OpenSSL::SSL)
This project is made possible by the community surrounding it and especially the wonderful people and projects listed in this document.