Azure is a comprehensive set of cloud services that developers and IT professionals use to build, deploy, and manage applications through a global network of datacenters. Deploy your N|Solid instances to Azure for cloud access to the only Node.js platform built for mission-critical applications.
If you don't already have a license key, please visit the NodeSource website to start your trial service.
Easily run N|Solid on Azure using our Resource Manager templates. You can find a list of templates and their descriptions in the README.
Follow these steps to use the Resource Manager templates in nsolid-azure
- Make a copy of our N|Solid VHDs into your own account for use in the templates.
$ az storage blob copy start --destination-blob nsolid-runtime-disk --destination-container <your-storage-container> --source-uri�4.10.0-runtime-osDisk.1448aaa6-4767-429b-99e4-3e3f196d5c3d.vhd --account-name <your-storage-account-name>
$ az storage blob copy start --destination-blob nsolid-console-disk --destination-container <your-storage-container> --source-uri --account-name <your-storage-account-name>
Find the template you want to run in the
folder, then click the Deploy to Azure button. This will open up a Custom Deployment in Azure Resource Manager in your own account. -
Fill in the required parameters with your VHD URI's created in step 1.
Select either an existing Resource Group or create a new one.
Set the location to "West US".
Agree to the Terms and Conditions.
Click the Purchase button.
You can also use our N|Solid Images for your own projects. See for a full list of Image IDs.