CamtParser is a Ruby Gem which does some basic parsing of camt052, camt053, and camt054 files into an object structure for easier usability instead of having to use an XML parser all the time. Keep in mind that this might not include a complete parsing of camt specification. Fields that we did not need for our use-cases are simply ignored for now.
add the Gem to the Gemfile
gem 'camt_parser'
Require the Gem at any point before using it
Use it!
camt = CamtParser::File.parse path_to_file
puts camt.group_headers.creation_date_time
camt.statements.each do |statement|
puts statement.account.iban
statement.entries.each do |entry|
# Access individual entries/bank transfers
puts entry.amount
puts entry.debitor.iban
Please check the code for fields not mentioned here. Also check the code for camt052 and camt054.
For bugs and feature requests open an issue on Github. For code contributions fork the repo, make your changes and create a pull request.