cd path/to/dir
helm template <chart-name> <chart> -f <values-file>
# Examples
helm template kube-prometheus ./helm/infrastructure/kube-prometheus --include-crds --output-dir ./templates
helm template kafka ./helm/workloads/kafka --include-crds --output-dir ./templates
helm template kafka-ui ./helm/workloads/kafka-ui --include-crds --output-dir ./templates
helm template podinfo ./helm/workloads/podinfo --include-crds --output-dir ./templates
Download and Extract:
helm pull <chart-name> --untar --untardir helm/<app-of-apps>
# Example
helm pull bitnami/kube-prometheus --destination . --untar --untardir helm/infrastructure
helm pull oci:// --destination . --untar --untardir helm/workloads
helm pull --destination . --untar --untardir helm/workloads
Download Helm Chart:
helm pull <chart-name>
# Example
helm pull bitnami/kube-prometheus
Extract .tgz:
tar -zxvf <chart-name>.tgz -C helm/<app-of-apps>/<chart-name>
Manual download from kafka-ui-chart, because helm pull did not work
- gitops/infrastructure/templates/kube-prometheus.yaml: app path is not a directory How to achieve an app for kube prometheus without this boiler plate folder structure?
- GTK Prometheus (Namespaces)
- kube-prometheus; too fast (sync-waves?)
- namespace creation does not work, why?
- handling projects, namespaces, permissions
- Playground
- PoC
- Knowledge building