Releases: noisebridge/infrastructure
deployed: Merge pull request #189 from noisebridge/ruthperm
[edit: this information is not accurate anymore. It's hard to deploy everything since so many permissions are required, so people generally just deploy what they need, and roll forward with a fix if it broke.]
Hi @SuperQ ,
For deploying the website, I think it's important to have a known good state to roll back to. This (#189) was the most recent note I could find about something being deployed, so I'm making a release of it. The idea is that when I deploy something new, if it breaks, I can roll back to the latest 'deployed' release. And if it doesn't break, I can make a new 'deployed' release. But I wanted to check with you in case more stuff has been deployed on top of this, or if this was only a partial deploy, etc. And also to see if this 'deployed' tag release system is a good idea.
(cc @marcidy who I was discussing this with today)