An open source Python package that helps developers to translate YANG (RFC6020/RFC7950) data models to Python. YAPYANG mimics the functionality of YANG data structures, enforces types through annotations, and supports JSON/XML ser/des. YAPYANG is authored by Antonio Faria, governed as a benevolent dictatorship, and distributed under license
YAPYANG is in construction, during this time no effort shall be afforded to migrations and backwards compatibility. See versioning.
For convenience we've included a basic quick start below. Ensure that a supported version of Python and the latest version of YAPYANG is installed.
Start by choosing the YANG model to translate. We've simplified OpenConfig interfaces.
module openconfig-interfaces {
namespace "";
container interfaces {
list interface {
key "name";
leaf name {
type string;
For each YANG node (module, container, list, and leaf) in the YANG model translate it into Python with YAPYANG through subclasses of the provided node types.
from yapyang import *
class Name(LeafNode):
__identifier__ = "name"
value: str
class Interface(ListNode):
__identifier__ = "interface"
__key__ = "name"
name: Name
class Interfaces(ContainerNode):
__identifier__ = "interfaces"
interface: Interface
class OpenConfigInterfaces(ModuleNode):
__identifier__ = "openconfig-interfaces"
__namespace__ = ""
interfaces: Interfaces
Create instances of the translated YANG model nodes, add interface entries, and serialize to XML. Read the full docs.
module = OpenConfigInterfaces(Interfaces(Interface()))
<interfaces xmlns=""><interface><name>xe-0/0/0</name></interface></interfaces>
Releases will follow semantic versioning (major.minor.patch). Before 1.0.0 breaking changes can be included in a minor release, therefore we highly recommend pinning this package.
Suggest a feature or report a bug. Read our developer guide.
YAPYANG is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license.