Easy, fast, power !
Magma is a php database library. Easy to use, fast, and no require external server. At the moment only base method are implemented. (SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) conditions are presents, limit. The online documentation will come soon :)
#Performance This is the big point.I always upgrade the script for you get the best experience. For an example, approximately 0.05s to insert 10 000 (yes 10 000) lines.
The fasted way is to require the class, create a new Magma object and let's work with it !
##Via composer
composer require inxk/magma dev-master
##Manualy Require the class in your project
require 'class.magma.php';
$Magma = new Inxk\Magma();
$Magma->debug = true;
$Magma->create("MyTable", ["id"=>"int,auto_increment","firstname"=>"text","lastname"=>"text","date"=>"date"]);
['', "Firstname1", "Lastname1", "d-m-Y"], //"d-m-y" will be replaced by the date (e.g 15-06-2016)
['', "Firstname2", "Lastname2", ""], //4 column will be fill by the current date in English format (e.g 2016-06-15)
['', "Firstname3", "Lastname3", "2017-08-01"] //That work too :)
$result = $Magma->fetch(); //Fetch with no conditions
$result = $Magma->fetch(["firstname"=>"Firstname1"]); //Find all firstname equaled to "Firstname1"
$result = $Magma->fetch(["firstname"=>"Firstname1"], ["LIMIT"=>1]); //Find the first firstname equaled to "Firstname1"
$Magma->update(["firstname"=>"New firstname ! :D"], ["id"=>3]); //Find id=3 and replace its firstname with the associate value
$Magma->delete(["id"=>1]); //Delete record where id=1