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Mobile Flutter Template

This is full-stack flutter template for mobile(android,ios).

This project can handle two environments, development and production.

⚡⚡ Important ⚡⚡

This project assumes the use of a Firebase project.

Be sure to run the Firebase auto-configuration script built into the repository.

If you do not run the script, the project build will fail.

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Table of Content

Project Information

This project is implemented using the MVVM+Repository pattern architecture.

It includes settings for VSCode and Android Studio by default.

Flutter 3.3.4-stable
Dart 2.18.2

We use asdf for version control, but there is no specification.

You can also use fvm, so please set it up by yourself.

Pre Installed Libraries

Listed below are the libraries that will be pre-installed in this project.


Package Name Version
enum_to_string ^2.0.1
intl ^0.17.0
timezone ^0.9.1
simple_logger ^1.9.0
collection ^1.16.0
built_collection ^5.1.1


Package Name Version
flutter_svg ^1.1.4


Package Name Version
flutter_launcher_icons ^0.11.0


Package Name Version
freezed_annotation ^2.1.0


Package Name Version
dio ^4.0.6


Package Name Version
shared_preferences ^2.0.15
flutter_secure_storage ^7.0.1


Package Name Version
flutter_hooks ^0.18.5+1
hooks_riverpod ^2.1.3


Package Name Version
firebase_core ^2.4.1
cloud_firestore ^4.3.1
firebase_crashlytics ^3.0.9
firebase_analytics ^10.1.0
firebase_remote_config ^3.0.9
firebase_messaging ^14.2.1
firebase_auth ^4.2.5


Package Name Version
permission_handler ^10.0.0


Package Name Version
path_provider ^2.0.11


Package Name Version
route_observer_mixin ^1.7.0


Package Name Version
url_launcher ^6.1.6
uni_links ^0.5.1


Firebase Configuration

This project is a template project for using Firebase projects.

To configure Firebase in this project, you need to modify the contents of scripts/ and execute it.

Replace the app ID of the Firebase project you want to use with <YOUR_APP_ID> of the corresponding environment and uncomment it out.

If you have an operating system you do not want to use, comment it out.

#!/bin/bash -eu
# Execute on project root directory.

function fetchAndroid() {
  rm -f $JSON_PATH
  firebase apps:sdkconfig android $2 --out $JSON_PATH

function fetchIOS() {
  rm -f $PLIST_PATH
  firebase apps:sdkconfig ios $2 --out $PLIST_PATH

echo "==== development ===="

# fetchIOS development <YOUR_APP_ID>
# fetchAndroid development <YOUR_APP_ID>

echo "==== production ===="

# fetchIOS production <YOUR_APP_ID>
# fetchAndroid production <YOUR_APP_ID>
$ sh scripts/

AppIcon Configuration

In this project, you can use flutter_launcher_icons to switch app icons between development and production.

The app icon for development should be named app_icon_dev.png and the app icon for production should be named app_icon.png and saved in assets/images.

The configuration files for each are as follows

  • flutter_launcher_icons-development.yaml
  • flutter_launcher_icons-production.yaml

After setting the app icon, run the script.

flutter_template on  main [✘!+] is 📦 v1.0.0+1 via 🎯 v2.18.2 on ☁️  (ap-northeast-1)
❯ sh scripts/
This command is deprecated and replaced with "flutter pub run flutter_launcher_icons"

Flavor: development
• Creating default icons Android
• Overwriting the default Android launcher icon with a new icon
• Building iOS launcher icon for development
Creating Icons for Web...
⚠️Requirements failed for platform Web. Skipped
Creating Icons for Windows...
⚠️Windows config is not provided or windows.generate is false. Skipped...
⚠️Requirements failed for platform Windows. Skipped
Creating Icons for MacOS...
⚠️Requirements failed for platform MacOS. Skipped

Flavor: production
• Creating default icons Android
• Overwriting the default Android launcher icon with a new icon
• Building iOS launcher icon for production
Creating Icons for Web...
Creating Icons for Windows...
Creating Icons for MacOS...

✓ Successfully generated launcher icons for flavors
⚠️Requirements failed for platform Web. Skipped
⚠️Windows config is not provided or windows.generate is false. Skipped...
⚠️Requirements failed for platform Windows. Skipped
⚠️Requirements failed for platform MacOS. Skipped

Application Build

It is possible to launch the application in three different patterns.

  • Development Debug
  • Production Debug
  • Production Release

If you are using VSCode, you can choose from Run and Debug in the side menu, and if you are using Android Studio, you can choose from Configurations.

Application Release Build

Run a build script to upload the app to PlayStore or Testflight.

※ This script does not actually upload the app to PlayStore or Testflight.
※ It provides build commands to prepare for the upload.

A total of four scripts are built in, covering two OSs, one for android and one for iOS, and two patterns, one for Debug and one for Release.



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