Lastbart is a simple web site to show the last departure times of the day for each Bay Area Rapid Transit (BART) stop.
Using Python, Lastbart generates static HTML files that you can serve from any web server.
You can see a live version on the web at
These steps assume a Debian- or Ubuntu-like Linux system — anything with apt
On other systems, there will likely be a similar package manager that works in a
similar way.
Install Python 3 and the Python libraries we need:
$ sudo apt install python3-pip
$ pip3 install --user pystache
$ pip3 install --user gtfsdb
Then download lastbart and build the HTML files:
$ git clone
$ cd lastbart
$ PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" make
To view the output, you can load them as files in your browser:
$ firefox html/index.html
or serve them with Python’s simple HTTP server:
$ PATH="$HOME/.local/bin:$PATH" make serve
$ firefox