A boilterplate for node.js + express.js with all necessary module
There is a lot of node.js web framework but can't denie that express is the most popular and have an active community. But the problem of express is.. that you need to install whatever necessary by yourself. Some said this is good, but some said it's bad for beginner because you may don't know which module can get your work done ! and that why I've created this boilerplate.
- Axios : For http request job
- Body-Parse : For extract post body data
- Cors : For manage cross origin
- Express : Of course to build our web app
- Morgan : For logging
- Sequelize : ORM
- Jsonwebtoken : For JWT management
- Humps : For transformation object between any cases (snake to camale or anythings)
- Sqlstring : For protect injection string (manual)
- Mysql2 : For migration scripts and sequelize
- Replace-In-File : For migration scripts
- Jest : For Unit Test
- Npm-Check : For interactive update module
- src/config: contains route and database config
- src/controllers: contain controllers
- src/middlewares: contain middlewares
- src/migration: contain migration scripts
- src/repositories: contain sequelize models
- src/response: contain response model
- src/resources: contain axios instance
- src/services: contain servers
- src/utils: utility scripts
- test/unit: unit test files
- index.js: bootstrap file (all things started here)
We already inject all dependencies in 'index.js', So you can start the server immediately (npm install required)
# start the server
npm run serve
As you know express.js design concept is everythings are middlewares, So if you need to add or remove some module you can do it by yourself in index.js
You can generate sequelize model from mysql schema in just one command.
# migrate db to model
npm run migration
But you need to config db connection and which table you need to picked in 'src/migration/config.js' first, See the example below.
dbConfig: {
host: '',
username: 'root',
password: '',
schema: 'noomerzx'
dbTables: [
outputPath: './src/repositories/'
We setup unit test with Jest and the example is in '/test/unit' you can structure your test like you desire then..
# run unit test
npm run test