- 🍻 Undergraduate at University of Toronto, Computer Science Specialist + Math Major
- ⚡ C++ / C / Python / Java / Javascript / C# / HTML / Django / React.js
- 🏃 Puzzle🧩 / Algorithm😝 / Reading📖 / Writing✏️ /
sleeping🤔/ Movies🎬 / Arts🎨 - 😝 My favorite books: Brave New World, The Moon and Sixpence, Probably everything written by Borges and Yu Kwang-chung~ OwO
- 🎬 My favorite movie: Dead Poets Society
- 🌱 I’m currently learning to be a human
- 📫 How to reach me:
- First, you need to have a spacecraft. Link to buy: Click
- Second, go to Mars~
- Third, you reach me! Congrats.
Thanks for visiting my profile, please feel free to reach me!!!!! I am really addicted in observing human recently!!!!!! I'll be really happy to talk to you!
Discord: nopespace#4009
you are deceived 😈 :3 :D