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Releases: nordtheme/java


03 Dec 10:59
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Public API

The public API method getVersion() : String is now static and returns the String constant VERSION to adapt to the SonarQube minor rule squid:S3400.
The associated unit test has been refactored to test against the ArcVer library arcver-java. (@arcticicestudio, #8, 7efc44c)

The attribute

private final Color COLOR;

conflicted with the SonarQube rule squid:S00116 and has been adapted to the Arctic Ice Studio Java code style. (@arcticicestudio, #9, 8eb03e6)


Fixed the deprecated POM variable ${inceptionYear} and replaced it with ${project.inceptionYear}. (@arcticicestudio, #3, 1a02e6d)

Added POM profiles for JFrog Bintray to deploy Maven artifacts to the jCenter and snapshots to the OSS JFrog repository. (@arcticicestudio, #4, f74c7a5)

Public API Documentation

Adapted the documentation style of the Nord color palette project to the JavaDoc. (@arcticicestudio, #7, 9eab580)

Bug Fixes

Public API Documentation

Fixed malformed JavaDoc to prevent compilation errors caused by the new JavaDoc linter rules introduced JDK 8u92 by adding the summary attribute to table tags. (@arcticicestudio, #3, 1a02e6d)



Created a circle.yml configuration file to add Circle CI build integration. (@arcticicestudio, #6, f241e8d)

Added the maven-assembly-plugin as assemble POM profile (@arcticicestudio, #5, 9f6e438)

The full changelog ist available here


26 Sep 20:40
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0.1.0 (2016-09-26)


Implemented the public API (@arcticicestudio, #1, 8949a9b)
A basic usage guide for the public API can be found in the README section.


The entrypoint is the com.arcticicestudio.nord.Nord enum.
Every enum constant represents a color as Color object.

The API provides static methods to get the HEX and RGB color code string as well as the Color object itself.

Package Entity Modifier Method Description
com.arcticicestudio.nord Nord static + hex(Color) : String Converts the color to the HEX identifier.
com.arcticicestudio.nord Nord static + rgb(Color) : String Converts the color to the RGB identifier.
com.arcticicestudio.nord Nord - + get() : Color Returns the color object.

The full changelog ist available here