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Releases: nordtheme/nord


22 Nov 13:22
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Release Date: 2016-11-22 Project Board Milestone

Detailed information about features and the project can be found in the project documentation.


Color Swatches

The "Adobe Photoshop Color Palette" (nord.ase) is now fully compatible to Adobe Photoshop CS6. The previous file was created using Gpick and has been recreated using Adobe Photoshop CS6 to be fully compatible with the vendor format specification. (#5, 30ae2f4)


❯ Switched the color definitions for nord8 and nord14. The accent color nord8 is now used for methods and functions while strings and attribute values are now colored by nord14 instead. This design has already been implemented in all port projects before, but is now officially documented with this release version. (#1, 2a95e4c)

❯ Switched the color of punctuations and variables / constants. The nord4 color is now used for variables and constants while punctuations are now colored by nord6 instead. This design has also already been implemented in all port projects before, but is now officially documented with this release version. (#2, f8231ac)

nord13 is now used to colorize regular expressions. (#3, adfcac5)

❯ Added new SVG variations of the color palette components. These can be used for showcases or any kind of branding concepts. (78ef70b)

Port Projects

❯ Added new official port projects. (eacf907, 51f46d1, d51a995)

[Nord Eclipse Syntax][gh-repo-nord-eclipse-syntax]

[Nord gedit][gh-repo-nord-gedit]

[Nord Java][gh-repo-nord-java]

[Nord Tilix][gh-repo-nord-tilix]



❯ Added [Travis CI][ci-travisci] and [Circle CI][ci-circleci] configurations. (#4, 00beff7)

❯ Added npm registry badges to show the latest published version and amount of downloads. (2c061e1)

The full changelog ist available here


04 Sep 16:25
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0.1.0 (2016-09-04)

Nord Palette Overview



  • Implemented the nord.scss stylesheet
  • Implemented the template-css.scss stylesheet.
    This template can be compiled to a nord.css stylesheet via Gulp:
    sh npm install gulp compile-css-template


Nord Sass sources are documented using the Sassdoc documentation syntax which can be compiled to a HTML documentation via Gulp:

npm install
gulp sassdoc

The Sassdoc theme can be changed by editing the .sassdocrc configuration file.


  • Implemented the nord.less stylesheet


Nord LESSCSS sources are documented using the KSS documentation syntax.
Information about the generation of a styleguide can be found in the official KSS documentation.

Color Swatches

Added various native color palette files:

  • Adobe Photoshop: (binary)
  • Adobe Swatch Exchange: nord.ase (binary)
  • Gpick Palette: nord.gpa (binary)
  • GIMP/Inkscape/CinePaint/Krita Palette:nord.gpl
  • Alias/WaveFront Material: nord.mtl`

The full changelog ist available here