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for CentOS Users

Norio Kobota @nori0428 edited this page Nov 29, 2013 · 14 revisions

1 . install dependent tools and libs

$ sudo yum install automake libtool

$ sudo yum install pcre pcre-devel

$ sudo yum install openssl openssl-devel

2 . get mod_websocket from github

$ git clone --recursive git://

3 . configure mod_websocket

$ cd mod_websocket

$ ./bootstrap

$ ./configure [--with-websocket=[ALL, IETF-00, RFC-6455]]

4 . test mod_websocket

$ make clean check

If occurring libtool-2.4 problem, please do like as follows. (Does someone know the collect solution?

$ /usr/bin/libtoolize --force

$ /usr/bin/autoconf

$ /usr/bin/automake

5 . install mod_websocket into lighttpd dir

$ ./configure --with-lighttpd=/path/to/lighttpd_top_srcdir

$ make install

6 . configure lighttpd

$ cd /path/to/lighttpd_top_srcdir

$ sh ./

$ ./configure --with-websocket[=ALL, RFC-6455, IETF-00] [--with-openssl]

Perhaps some additional libs(zlib and bzip2 etc.) are required from lighttpd. Please install them.

7 . make and make install lighttpd

$ make

$ sudo make install

8 . write lighttpd.conf

$ vi /path/to/lighttpd_top_srcdir/doc/config/conf.d/mod.template

server.modules += ( "mod_websocket" )

websocket.server = ( "/chat" =>
                             "host" => "",
                             "port" => "9000"
# If U want to handle timeout, define websocket.timeout.(sec)
# websocket.timeout = 60
# If U want to send PING frame defined at after IETF-08 spec.,
# define websocket.ping_interval.(sec)
# websocket.ping_interval = 5
# If something wrong, define websocket.debug.
# logs are written into server.errorlog
# 0: no log
# websocket.debug = 4

:w websocket.conf

9 . run lighttpd. have fun!:)

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