The main goal of this project is to run AWS CLI dynamodb commands with docker-compose.yml to support testing local.
docker build -t normandesjr/awscliv1:latest .
There is a pattern to follow in order to run the create-table and batch-write-item correctly and in right sequence.
The pattern for the filename is: <number>-<command>-<name>.json
The number will be used to create the order.
The command are:
- ct stands for create-table
- bwi stands for batch-write-item
And the name is some arbritary name.
The AWS credentials you have to use for local tests are: "local" and "local" for access and secret access key.
To configure it, fill out as shown below:
$ aws configure
AWS Access Key ID []: local
AWS Secret Access Key []: local
Default region name []: us-east-1
Default output format [None]:
Take a look at example folder to see the docker-compose.yml and json files.