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X-ROAD European Union / European Regional Development Fund / Investing in your future

X-Road Metrics - Reports Module


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The Reports module is part of X-Road Metrics, which includes the following modules:

The Reports module is responsible for creating monthly reports about subsystems of X-Road members (datasets usage). The execution of the reports module can be either performed automatically (via cron job) or manually.

Overall system, its users and rights, processes and directories are designed in a way, that all modules can reside in one server (different users but in same group 'xroad-metrics') but also in separate servers.

Overall system is also designed in a way, that allows to monitor data from different X-Road instances (e.g. in Estonia there are three instances: ee-dev, ee-test and EE.)

Overall system is also designed in a way, that can be used by X-Road Centre for all X-Road members as well as for Member own monitoring (includes possibilities to monitor also members data exchange partners).




  • The reports-module needs access to the Database Module (see ==> Database_Module <==).


  • The reports-module can be configured to access a reports publishing server (via rsync or scp, port 22 (SSH)).
  • The reports-module can be configured to send e-mail notifications through an SMTP server to announce member/subsystem contacts about reports created and published (port 25 (SMTP)).


Reports-module doesn't need any incoming connections.


This sections describes the necessary steps to install the reports module on an Ubuntu 20.04 Linux host. To a complete overview of different modules and machines, please refer to the ==> System Architecture <== documentation.

Add X-Road Extensions Package Repository for Ubuntu

wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -
sudo add-apt-repository ' main'

The following information can be used to verify the key:

  • key hash: 935CC5E7FA5397B171749F80D6E3973B
  • key fingerprint: A01B FE41 B9D8 EAF4 872F A3F1 FB0D 532C 10F6 EC5B
  • 3rd party key server: Ubuntu key server

Install Reports Package

To install xroad-metrics-reports and all dependencies execute the commands below:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install xroad-metrics-reports

The installation package automatically installs following items:

  • xroad-metrics-reports command to run the reports module manually
  • Linux user named xroad-metrics and group xroad-metrics
  • settings file /etc/xroad-metrics/reports/settings.yaml
  • cronjob in /etc/cron.d/xroad-metrics-reports-cron to generate reports automatically once per month
  • log folders to /var/log/xroad-metrics/reports/

Only xroad-metrics user can access the settings files and run xroad-metrics-reports command.

To use reports-module you need to fill in your X-Road and MongoDB configuration into the settings file. Refer to section Reports-module Configuration.


Reports-module Configuration

Before configuring the Reports module, make sure you have installed and configured the Database_Module and created the MongoDB credentials.

To use xroad-metrics-reports you need to fill in your X-Road and MongoDB configuration into the settings file. (here, vi is used):

sudo vi /etc/xroad-metrics/reports/settings.yaml

Settings that the user must fill in:

  • X-Road instance name
  • username and password for the reports-module MongoDB user
  • e-mail template, SMTP server and port

To run xroad-metrics-reports for multiple X-Road instances, a settings profile for each instance can be created. For example to have profiles DEV, TEST and PROD create three copies of setting.yaml file named settings_DEV.yaml, settings_TEST.yaml and settings_PROD.yaml. Then fill the profile specific settings to each file and use the --profile flag when running xroad-metrics-reports. For example to run using the TEST profile:

xroad-metrics-reports --profile TEST reports

xroad-metrics-reports command searches the settings file first in current working direcrtory, then in /etc/xroad-metrics/reports/

Available languages for the reports are:

en - english
et - estonian

Report language translation files can be found in path /etc/xroad-metrics/reports/lang

Report Targets

By default the Reports Module will generate a report for each subsystem that has acted as a client or producer of at least one request during the report period. This subsystem list is fetched automatically from the Database Module. Since this method relies solely on the operational monitoring data it has following limitations:

  1. e-mail notifications cannot be sent for the generated reports
  2. localized subsystem names are not available in the reports, only codes

The report target subsystems can be defined in full detail manually by using a xroad-descriptor json file as described in chapter X-Road Descriptor File

If you want to generate a report for a single subsystem it is also possible to use a command line argument like this:

xroad-metrics-reports report --subsystem MYCLASS:MYMEMBER:MYSUB

X-Road Descriptor File

The settings.yaml file has a setting named xroad.descriptor-path that is blank by default. This can be set pointing to a file that contains a list of all X-Road subsystems that should be subject to report generation. The file can also contain additional information about the subsystems; currently maintainer e-mail addresses and localized subsystem names are supported.

Below is an example of a xroad-descriptor file format:

    "x_road_instance": "sample",
    "member_class": "MemberClassA",
    "member_code": "MemberCodeA",
    "subsystem_code": "SubsystemCodeA",
    "member_name": "Member Name",
    "subsystem_name": {
      "et": "Subsystem Name ET",
      "en": "Subsystem Name EN"
    "email": [
        "name": "Firstname Lastname",
        "email": "yourname@yourdomain"
      "x_road_instance": "sample",
      "member_class": "MemberClassA",
      "member_code": "MemberCodeA",
      "subsystem_code": "SubsystemCodeB",

The file format is based on RIHA (Estonian catalogue of public sector information systems, interfaces. Currently there is no standardized way to generate this file automatically as it contains information that is not available in the standard X-Road Central Server interfaces.

Manual usage

All reports-module actions can be executed by calling the xroad-metrics-reports command. Command should be executed as user xroad-metrics so change to that user:

sudo su xroad-metrics

Available actions:

xroad-metrics-reports report                       # Generate reports using default arguments
xroad-metrics-reports notify                       # Send pending e-mail notifications
opmnon-reports --help                      # Show available command line arguments

Above examples use the default settings file. To use another settings profile, you can use --profile flag:

xroad-metrics-reports --profile TEST report
xroad-metrics-reports --profile TEST notify

Cron settings

Default installation includes a cronjob in /etc/cron.d/xroad-metrics-reports-cron that runs reports-module monthly. This job runs reports module using the default settings profile (/etc/xroad-metrics/reports/settings.yaml)

It is important to note that it can take several days for ==> Collector module <== to receive the operational data from Security Server(s) and for the ==> Corrector_module <== to clean the raw data and derive monitoring metrics in a clean database collection if the X-Road instance has a lot of members.

This means that if monthly reports are to be generated, the cron job should run after the collector and corrector have finished processing data for that month. By default the cron job is configured to run on 10th day of each month, which should allow for a long enough grace period.

If you want to change the reports cronjob scheduling or settings profiles, edit the file e.g. with vi

vi /etc/cron.d/xroad-metrics-reports-cron

and make your changes. For example to run reports every six months on the 15th day using settings profiles PROD and TEST:

# m   h  dom  mon   dow  user     command
  1   0   15   */6    *   xroad-metrics    xroad-metrics-reports --profile TEST report
  1   3   15   */6    *   xroad-metrics    xroad-metrics-reports --profile PROD report

If reports-generation is to be run only manually, comment out the default cron task by adding a '#'-character:

#  1   0   10   *   *   xroad-metrics    xroad-metrics-reports report

Publishing Reoprts

Using default settings the xroad-metrics-reports command generates report pdf files into folder /home/xroad-metrics/reports. If you want to publish the reports on some external file server, you can setup e.g. a rsync cronjob. Below example assumes your file-server hostname is myfileserver and user myuser can access it with from the xroad-metrics-reports host.

TODO: add example when file server strategy has been confirmed. OPMONDEV-63

If you don't use any external file server users can copy the reports to their workstations using e.g. scp command. TODO: add example

E-mail Notifications

TODO: Add documentation after the default notification strategy has been confirmed. OPMONDEV-63

Note about Indexing

Index build in background (see Database module, Index Creation might affect availability of cursor for long-running queries. Please review the need of active Collector module and specifically the need of active Corrector module while running Reports.

Monitoring and Status


The settings for the log file in the settings file are the following:

  instance: EXAMPLE

#  ...

  name: reports
  module: reports

  # Possible logging levels from least to most verbose are:
  level: INFO

  # Logs and heartbeat files are stored under these paths.
  # Also configure external log rotation and app monitoring accordingly.
  log-path: /var/log/xroad-metrics/reports/logs

The log file is written to log-path and log file name contains the X-Road instance name. The above example configuration would write logs to /var/log/xroad-metrics/reports/logs/log_reports_EXAMPLE.json.

Every log line includes:

  • "timestamp": timestamp in Unix format (epoch)
  • "local_timestamp": timestamp in local format '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z'
  • "module": "reports"
  • "version": in form of "v${MINOR}.${MAJOR}"
  • "activity": string identifier of the logging code block
  • level: possible values "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR"
  • msg: message

The reports module log handler is compatible with the logrotate utility. To configure log rotation for the example setup above, create the file:

sudo vi /etc/logrotate.d/xroad-metrics-reports

and add the following content :

/var/log/xroad-metrics/reports/logs/log_reports_EXAMPLE.json {
    rotate 10
    size 2M

For further log rotation options, please refer to logrotate manual:

man logrotate


The settings for the heartbeat file in the settings file are the following:

  instance: EXAMPLE

#  ...

  #  ...
  heartbeat-path: /var/log/xroad-metrics/reports/heartbeat

The heartbeat file is written to heartbeat-path and hearbeat file name contains the X-Road instance name. The above example configuration would write logs to /var/log/xroad-metrics/reports/heartbeat/heartbeat_reports_EXAMPLE.json.

The heartbeat file consists last message of log file and status

  • status: possible values "FAILED", "SUCCEEDED"