This directory have Dockerfile for install application that needs build. Base image is Ubuntu:bionic.
The Docker image of the application I wanted to use was not available on Docher Hub, so I made one.
Application | Version | Dockerfile in this repository |
Obfuscator-LLVM | llvm-4.0 | dockerfile |
Tigress | v3.1 | dockerfile |
Build image
docker build --force-rm=true --tag ollvm:1.0 --tag ollvm:latest obfuscator-llvm
Run container as an executable file
docker run --rm --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=/work ollvm [Option] [Path]
(use shell) Run container
./scripts/ ollvm
In this repository, binary that be needed for installation is ignored.
(Please download from official homepage, then place the binary in tigress/resource)
Build image
docker build --force-rm=true --tag tigress:1.0 --tag tigress:latest tigress
Run container as an executable file
docker run --rm --mount type=bind,src=$(pwd),dst=/work tigress [Option] [Path]
(use shell) Run container
./scripts/ tigress