A monorepo that holds all the services used to maintain the project 'Mapa do Acolhimento'
🏠 Homepage
✨ Demo
- pnpm 5.2.1
- node >= 12.13 <13
pnpm i
pnpm m run test
pnpm --filter <package-name> <command>
pnpm m <command>
Following some tips from Javascript Testing Best Practices, we like our tests to follow these three questions:
(1) What is being tested? For example, the ProductsService.addNewProduct method
(2) Under what circumstances and scenario? For example, no price is passed to the method
(3) What is the expected result? For example, the new product is not approved
- Server: Node Typescript Boilerplate
- React: Create React App
👤 Nossas tech@nosssas.org
- Website: https://www.nossas.org/
- Github: @nossas
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