A super simple spring-boot proxy that just delegates upsteam. Useful for demos with chains of services (e.g. for tracing or service meshes).
mvn clean package
All it requires is for you to set the UPSTREAM environment variable to some other service. E.g. see below for the world clock service.
export UPSTREAM=http://worldclockapi.com/; java -jar target/pass-the-buck-1.0.0.jar
curl -s http://localhost:8080/api/json/gmt/now | jq
"$id": "1",
"currentDateTime": "2019-11-14T07:10+00:00",
"utcOffset": "00:00:00",
"isDayLightSavingsTime": false,
"dayOfTheWeek": "Thursday",
"timeZoneName": "GMT Standard Time",
"currentFileTime": 132181890053011970,
"ordinalDate": "2019-318",
"serviceResponse": null