The New York Times Corpus is a collection of 1.8 million articles published between 1987 and 2007 along with a fair bit of meta data. For more details about The NY Times Corpus, see
Once you have the NY Times Corpus, unzip it to a folder. And then run the script. Script produces a csv and text files containing story text.
Python 2.x
To install the dependency lxml 3.1.1:
pip install -r requirements.txt
python [options] <xml directory>
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-a, --append Append if existing (default: False)
CSV output file (default: outfile.csv)
Text output directory (default: text)
Example To process all XML files in the folder 2000 (carrying files from year 2000):
python -o 2000.csv -d text 2000
The script will generate a CSV "2000.csv". Story text files will be stored in a folder "text." This folder will have the exact same structure as the folder '2000.'
Scripts are released under the MIT License.