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This repository has been archived by the owner on Nov 6, 2021. It is now read-only.


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Table of contents


Except for Awesome the most up to date config are in my other dotfiles

  • OS_ Arch Linux
  • WM_ AwesomeWM ( git master branch )
  • Shell_ Zsh



Wallpapers_ Amazing works by Michal Baca and Ismail Inceoglu

clean clean desktop

Black Blue
black_dirty blue_dirty


( WIP )

File structure

  • configuration/ - Options from the default rc.lua splited and arrange into several files
  • icons/ - Icons for all themes
  • layout/ - Panels and app launcher ( rofi )
  • themes/ - Theme variables, titlebar and layout icons
  • utils/ - Contains all the reuse code, functions, etc...
  • widgets/ - All widgets
  • rc.lua - main configuration file


  • acpi battery widget



File structure

$HOME/.zshenv - Defines xdg environment and zsh directory


  • completions/ - User auto completions for some cli tools
  • functions/ - Load functions only when you call them
    • br Open images dir with sxiv (e.g. br path/)
    • extract Extract archives
    • man Colored man pages
    • mcd mkdir and cd to new dir
    • n nnn cd on quit with Ctl-g
    • up Go up N dir (e.g. up 2)
    • zn Jump to a directory with z.lua and open it in neovim
  • options/ - Zsh settings
  • prompt/ - Prompt settings


Lazy loaded with Zinit

Cli Tools

  • nnn - Files manager ( $HOME/.config/nnn/plugins/ )
    • beautify Replace 'space' and '-' in file/dir name with '_' and convert to lowercase
    • browse_img Browse images in sxiv
    • browse_img_full Browse images in sxiv in fullscreen
    • edit Open file in a running neovim instance with neovim-remote if possible
    • exec Exec a script
    • fuzzy Fuzzy find file with fzf and open in default editor
    • launch GUI application launcher
    • open Fuzzy find with fzf and open with xdg-open
    • open_term Open a new instance of Alacritty in current dir
    • pdfview View pdf in terminal
    • set_wal Set wallpaper with nitrogen
    • suedit Edit in default editor with sudo
  • fzf - Cli fuzzy finder ( $HOME/.config/zsh/functions/ )
    • fapps Open apps
    • fcd Interactive cd
    • fcdh Interactive cd with hidden files
    • fe Open file in default editor
    • fimg Open images in sxiv
    • fkill Kill processes
    • fpkg Search installed packages
    • frg Fuzzy grep with ripgrep and open in default editor
    • fvid Open videos in mpv
  • ripgrep - Recursively searches directories for a regex pattern
  • bat - A cat clone with wings
  • exa - A modern version of ls
  • fd - A simple, fast and user-friendly alternative to 'find'
  • z.lua - A new cd command that helps you navigate faster by learning your habits

User scripts


  • colors/ - Scripts to show colors in the terminal
  • arch_maint Multiple command to help maintain arch (WIP)
  • brightness_notif Send a notification when changing screen brightness
  • extract Extract archive
  • fetch Show basic system infos
  • mdpdf Convert markdown to pdf with Pandoc
  • neof Clear terminal and launch neofetch
  • nightly_nvim Download nvim nightly appimage and put it in $PATH
  • nuke Script for nnn
  • nwrap Launch nnn
  • pkg_list Backup a list of installed package
  • power_menu Open a exit menu in rofi
  • Remove some trash in $HOME
  • snap Take screenshot with maim
  • sxhkd_key Show sxkhd mappings in fzf
  • update_mirror Get a list of fastest French mirror


Inspiration from a lot of people
Neovim_ norcalli, haorenW1025
AwesomeWM_ szorfein, elenapan, manilarome, WillPower3309, arndtphillip
Rofi_ adi1090x
And a lot more...


No releases published


No packages published