Add conflibot workflow #103
GitHub Actions / test result (2023.2.20f1)
Oct 26, 2024 in 0s
⚠️ test result (2023.2.20f1) - 125/135, skipped: 10 - Passed in 14.993s
✅ editmode-results.xml - 3/3 - Passed in 0.240s
⚠️ playmode-results.xml - 122/132, skipped: 10 - Passed in 14.752s
✅ editmode-results.xml - 3/3 - Passed in 0.240s
- ✅ TestHelper.Editor.CreateSceneAttributeTest - 1/1 - Passed in 0.038s
- ✅ Attach_CreateNewSceneWithCameraAndLight - Passed in 0.038s
- ✅ TestHelper.Editor.LoadSceneAttributeTest - 1/1 - Passed in 0.048s
- ✅ Attach_LoadedSceneNotInBuild - Passed in 0.048s
- ✅ TestHelper.Editor.TemporaryBuildScenesUsingInTestTest - 1/1 - Passed in 0.015s
- ✅ GetScenesUsingInTest_AttachedToMethod_ReturnScenesSpecifiedByAttribute - Passed in 0.015s
⚠️ playmode-results.xml - 122/132, skipped: 10 - Passed in 14.752s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.CommandLineArgsTest - 3/3 - Passed in 0.021s
- ✅ DictionaryFromCommandLineArgs - Passed in 0.019s
- ✅ GetScreenshotDirectory_WithArgument_GotSpecifiedDirectory - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ GetScreenshotDirectory_WithoutArgument_GotDefaultDirectory - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.SceneManagerHelperTest.GetAbsolutePath - 2/2 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ GetAbsolutePath("./Scene.unity","Assets/Tests/Runtime/Caller.cs","Assets/Tests/Runtime/Scene.unity") - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ GetAbsolutePath("../../BadPath/../Scenes/Scene.unity","Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Runtime/Attributes/Caller.cs","Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/Scene.unity") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.SceneManagerHelperTest.GetExistScenePath_ExistPath_GotExistScenePath - 4/4 - Passed in 0.024s
- ✅ GetExistScenePath_ExistPath_GotExistScenePath("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/NotInScenesInBuild.unity") - Passed in 0.016s
- ✅ GetExistScenePath_ExistPath_GotExistScenePath("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tes?s/S?enes/NotInScenesInBuild.unity") - Passed in 0.004s
- ✅ GetExistScenePath_ExistPath_GotExistScenePath("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper///NotInScenesInBuild.unity") - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ GetExistScenePath_ExistPath_GotExistScenePath("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper//NotInScenesInBuild.unity")** - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.SceneManagerHelperTest.GetExistScenePath_InvalidGlobPattern_OutputLogError - 5/5 - Passed in 0.009s
- ✅ GetExistScenePath_InvalidGlobPattern_OutputLogError("/NotInScenesInBuild.unity","Scene path must start with `Assets/` or `Packages/`")** - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ GetExistScenePath_InvalidGlobPattern_OutputLogError("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/NotInScenesInBuild","Scene path must ends with `.unity`") - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ GetExistScenePath_InvalidGlobPattern_OutputLogError("Packages//NotInScenesInBuild.unity","Wildcards cannot be used in the package name of path")** - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ GetExistScenePath_InvalidGlobPattern_OutputLogError("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/Not??ScenesInBuild.unity","Wildcards cannot be used in the scene name of path") - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ *GetExistScenePath_InvalidGlobPattern_OutputLogError("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/InScenesInBuild.unity","Wildcards cannot be used in the scene name of path") - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.SceneManagerHelperTest.GetExistScenePath_NotExistPath_InEditor_OutputLogError - 2/2 - Passed in 0.006s
- ✅ GetExistScenePath_NotExistPath_InEditor_OutputLogError("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/NotExistScene.unity") - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ GetExistScenePath_NotExistPath_InEditor_OutputLogError("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/*/NotInScenesInBuild.unity") - Passed in 0.003s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.SceneManagerHelperTest.GetExistScenePathOnPlayer_GotSceneName - 1/1 - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ GetExistScenePathOnPlayer_GotSceneName("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/NotInScenesInBuild.unity") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.SceneManagerHelperTest.LoadSceneAsync_LoadedScene - 3/3 - Passed in 1.350s
- ✅ LoadSceneAsync_LoadedScene("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper/Tests/Scenes/NotInScenesInBuild.unity") - Passed in 0.123s
- ✅ LoadSceneAsync_LoadedScene("Packages/com.nowsprinting.test-helper//NotInScenesInBuildForGlob.unity")** - Passed in 1.088s
- ✅ LoadSceneAsync_LoadedScene("../Scenes/NotInScenesInBuildForRelative.unity") - Passed in 0.139s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.ScreenshotHelperTest - 5/5 - Passed in 0.944s
- ✅ TakeScreenshot_FromAsyncTest - Passed in 0.310s
- ✅ TakeScreenshot_Multiple_SaveToEachSpecifyPaths - Passed in 0.181s
- ✅ TakeScreenshot_SaveToDefaultPath - Passed in 0.154s
- ✅ TakeScreenshot_SpecifySuperSizeAndStereoCaptureMode_NotWork - Passed in 0.138s
- ✅ TakeScreenshot_WithoutLogFilepath_SuppressLogging - Passed in 0.161s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.ScreenshotHelperTest+Internal.DefaultFilename_Parameterized - 1/1 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ DefaultFilename_Parameterized(0,"s") - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.Wrappers.UnityEditor.GameViewSizeGroupWrapperTest - 7/7 - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ AddCustomSize_Added - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ IndexOf_FoundAddedSize - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ RemoveCustomSize_Removed - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ CreateInstance_Instantiate - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ GetGameViewSize_GotGameViewSize - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ GetTotalCount_GotCount - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IndexOf_NotFound - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.Wrappers.UnityEditor.GameViewSizesWrapperTest - 2/2 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ CreateInstance_Instantiate - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ CurrentGroup_GetGameViewSizeGroupInstance - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.Wrappers.UnityEditor.GameViewSizeWrapperTest - 7/7 - Passed in 0.004s
- ✅ CreateInstance_Instantiate - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ Equals_DifferentHeight_NotEquals - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ Equals_DifferentType_NotEquals - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ Equals_DifferentWidth_NotEquals - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ Equals_InnerObjectIsNull_NotEquals - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ Equals_SameSizeButDifferentName_Equals - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ Equals_WrapperObjectIsNull_NotEquals - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestHelper.RuntimeInternals.Wrappers.UnityEditor.GameViewWrapperTest - 2/2 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ GetWindow - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ SelectedSizeIndex - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.BuildSceneAttributeTest - 2/2 - Passed in 0.229s
- ✅ Attach_InferredSceneIntoBuild - Passed in 0.084s
- ✅ Attach_SceneIntoBuild - Passed in 0.145s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.CreateSceneAttributeTest.AttachToParameterizedTest_CreateNewScene - 2/2 - Passed in 0.087s
- ✅ AttachToParameterizedTest_CreateNewScene(0) - Passed in 0.044s
- ✅ AttachToParameterizedTest_CreateNewScene(1) - Passed in 0.043s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.CreateSceneAttributeTest - 5/5 - Passed in 0.453s
- ✅ Attach_CreateNewSceneWithoutCameraAndLight - Passed in 0.048s
- ✅ Attach_WithCamera_CreateNewSceneWithCamera - Passed in 0.070s
- ✅ Attach_WithLight_CreateNewSceneWithLight - Passed in 0.090s
- ✅ AttachToAsyncTest_CreateNewScene - Passed in 0.137s
- ✅ AttachToUnityTest_CreateNewScene - Passed in 0.108s
⚠️ TestHelper.Attributes.FocusGameViewAttributeTest - 1/4, skipped: 3 - Passed in 0.002s⚠️ Attach_GameViewHasFocus - Skipped- ✅ Attach_KeepBatchmode - Passed in 0.001s
⚠️ AttachToAsyncTest_GameViewHasFocus - Skipped⚠️ AttachToUnityTest_GameViewHasFocus - Skipped
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.GameViewResolutionAttributeTest - 2/2 - Passed in 0.644s
- ✅ AttachToAsyncTest_SetScreenSizeToFullHD - Passed in 0.535s
- ✅ AttachToUnityTest_SetScreenSizeToVGA - Passed in 0.109s
⚠️ TestHelper.Attributes.GizmosShowOnGameViewAttributeTest - 3/4, skipped: 1 - Passed in 1.821s- ✅ Attach_False_HideGizmos - Passed in 0.652s
- ✅ Attach_True_ShowGizmos - Passed in 0.763s
- ✅ AttachToAsyncTest_ShowGizmos - Passed in 0.406s
⚠️ AttachToUnityTest_ShowGizmos - Skipped
⚠️ TestHelper.Attributes.IgnoreBatchModeAttributeTest - 0/3, skipped: 3 - Passed in 0.000s⚠️ Attach_SkipOnBatchMode - Skipped⚠️ AttachToAsyncTest_SkipOnBatchMode - Skipped⚠️ AttachToUnityTest_SkipOnBatchMode - Skipped
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.IgnoreWindowModeAttributeTest - 3/3 - Passed in 0.212s
- ✅ Attach_SkipOnWindowMode - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ AttachToAsyncTest_SkipOnWindowMode - Passed in 0.109s
- ✅ AttachToUnityTest_SkipOnWindowMode - Passed in 0.103s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.LoadSceneAttributeTest - 6/6 - Passed in 0.948s
- ✅ Attach_LoadedSceneNotInBuild - Passed in 0.161s
- ✅ AttachToAsyncTest_LoadedSceneNotInBuild - Passed in 0.215s
- ✅ AttachToUnityTest_LoadedSceneNotInBuild - Passed in 0.204s
- ✅ UsingGlob_LoadedSceneNotInBuild - Passed in 0.117s
- ✅ UsingInferredPath_LoadedSceneNotInBuild - Passed in 0.121s
- ✅ UsingRelativePath_LoadedSceneNotInBuild - Passed in 0.130s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.TakeScreenshotAttributeTest.AttachToParameterizedTest_SaveAllScreenshots - 4/4 - Passed in 0.707s
- ✅ AttachToParameterizedTest_SaveAllScreenshots(0,2) - Passed in 0.205s
- ✅ AttachToParameterizedTest_SaveAllScreenshots(0,3) - Passed in 0.161s
- ✅ AttachToParameterizedTest_SaveAllScreenshots(1,2) - Passed in 0.158s
- ✅ AttachToParameterizedTest_SaveAllScreenshots(1,3) - Passed in 0.183s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.TakeScreenshotAttributeTest.AttachToParameterizedTest_SaveAllScreenshots_ExistFile - 4/4 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ AttachToParameterizedTest_SaveAllScreenshots_ExistFile(0,2) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ AttachToParameterizedTest_SaveAllScreenshots_ExistFile(0,3) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ AttachToParameterizedTest_SaveAllScreenshots_ExistFile(1,2) - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ AttachToParameterizedTest_SaveAllScreenshots_ExistFile(1,3) - Passed in 0.000s
⚠️ TestHelper.Attributes.TakeScreenshotAttributeTest - 14/16, skipped: 2 - Passed in 1.369s- ✅ Attach_SaveScreenshotToDefaultPath - Passed in 0.174s
- ✅ AttachWithSuperSize_SaveSuperSizeScreenshot - Passed in 0.241s
- ✅ AttachToAsyncTest_SaveScreenshotToDefaultPath - Passed in 0.218s
- ✅ AttachWithStereoCaptureMode_SaveStereoScreenshot - Passed in 0.155s
- ✅ AttachWithGizmos_TakeScreenshotWithGizmos - Passed in 0.225s
- ✅ AttachWithFilename_SaveScreenshotToSpecifyPath - Passed in 0.186s
- ✅ AttachWithDirectory_SaveScreenshotToSpecifyPath - Passed in 0.167s
⚠️ AttachToUnityTest_SaveScreenshotToDefaultPath - Skipped- ✅ AttachToAsyncTest_SaveScreenshotToDefaultPath_ExistFile - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ AttachWithDirectory_SaveScreenshotToSpecifyPath_ExistFile - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ Attach_SaveScreenshotToDefaultPath_ExistFile - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ AttachWithFilename_SaveScreenshotToSpecifyPath_ExistFile - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ AttachWithGizmos_TakeScreenshotWithGizmos_ExistFile - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ AttachWithStereoCaptureMode_SaveStereoScreenshot_ExistFile - Passed in 0.000s
⚠️ AttachToUnityTest_SaveScreenshotToDefaultPath_ExistFile - Skipped- ✅ AttachWithSuperSize_SaveSuperSizeScreenshot_ExistFile - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.TimeScaleAttributeTest - 4/4 - Passed in 0.262s
- ✅ AttachToUnityTest_ApplyTimeScale - Passed in 0.119s
- ✅ AttachToAsyncTest_ApplyTimeScale - Passed in 0.101s
- ✅ Attach_ApplyTimeScale - Passed in 0.041s
- ✅ AfterRunningTest_RevertTimeScale - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.UnityVersionAttributeTest.IsSkip_newerThanOrEqual_NotSkip - 5/5 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ IsSkip_newerThanOrEqual_NotSkip("2023.2.16f1") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_newerThanOrEqual_NotSkip("2023.2.15f1") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_newerThanOrEqual_NotSkip("2023.2") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_newerThanOrEqual_NotSkip("2023") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_newerThanOrEqual_NotSkip("2022") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.UnityVersionAttributeTest.IsSkip_newerThanOrEqual_Skip - 3/3 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ IsSkip_newerThanOrEqual_Skip("2023.2.17f1") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_newerThanOrEqual_Skip("2023.3") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_newerThanOrEqual_Skip("6000") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.UnityVersionAttributeTest.IsSkip_olderThan_NotSkip - 5/5 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ IsSkip_olderThan_NotSkip("2023.2.17f1") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_olderThan_NotSkip("2023.2.16f1") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_olderThan_NotSkip("2023.2") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_olderThan_NotSkip("2023") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_olderThan_NotSkip("6000") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ TestHelper.Attributes.UnityVersionAttributeTest.IsSkip_olderThan_Skip - 4/4 - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ IsSkip_olderThan_Skip("2023.2.15f1") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_olderThan_Skip("2023.1") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_olderThan_Skip("2022") - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsSkip_olderThan_Skip("2021") - Passed in 0.000s
⚠️ TestHelper.Attributes.UnityVersionAttributeTest - 1/2, skipped: 1 - Passed in 0.000s- ✅ Attach_newerThanOrEqual2019_NotSkip - Passed in 0.000s
⚠️ Attach_olderThan2019_4_0f1_Skip - Skipped
- ✅ TestHelper.Comparers.GameObjectNameComparerTest - 4/4 - Passed in 0.009s
- ✅ UsingWithCollection_CompareGameObjectsByName - Passed in 0.002s
- ✅ UsingWithCollection_NotContain_Failure - Passed in 0.005s
- ✅ UsingWithEqualTo_CompareGameObjectsByName - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ UsingWithEqualTo_NotEqualName_Failure - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ TestHelper.Constraints.DestroyedConstraintTest - 6/6 - Passed in 0.004s
- ✅ IsDestroyed_DestroyedGameObject_Success - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ IsDestroyed_NotDestroyedGameObject_Failure - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ IsDestroyed_NotGameObject_Failure - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ IsDestroyed_Null_Failure - Passed in 0.000s
- ✅ IsNotDestroyed_DestroyedGameObject_Failure - Passed in 0.001s
- ✅ IsNotDestroyed_NotDestroyedGameObject_Success - Passed in 0.000s