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np committed Jul 15, 2011
1 parent 75be953 commit 27838f0
Showing 1 changed file with 178 additions and 0 deletions.
178 changes: 178 additions & 0 deletions Text/Align.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
-- This module is supposed to provide a mean to align parts
-- of a text/code according to the rule:
-- ``Characters vertically aligned with at least two spaces
-- before them in the source are aligned in output.''
-- Example:
-- foo :: Bar -> Baz
-- -> Boo
-- foo = f . g
-- . h
-- In this example `::' is aligned with `=',
-- `.' are aligned, and `->' are aligned.
-- The code is originally from lhs2tex.
-- This module is not finished yet.

module Text.Align where
import Data.List
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Applicative

type Row = Int
type Col = Int

data Pos a = Pos {row :: !Row, col :: !Col, ann :: a}
deriving (Show)

type Text = String
type Line = String
type WoS = String

align :: Text -> Text
align = unlines . map (intercalate "&") . alignLines . lines

-- | Each line should not contains '\n's
alignLines :: [Line] -> [[String]]
alignLines = map (map concat) . alignWoS . map wordsOrSpaces

alignWoS :: [[WoS]] -> [[[String]]]
alignWoS ls = map (splitAts splitAtCol (findCols ls)) ls

splitAtCol :: Width tok => Col -> [tok] -> ([tok],[tok])
splitAtCol c ts
| c <= 0 || null ts = ([],ts)
splitAtCol c (t:ts) = t <| splitAtCol (c - width t) ts

(<|) :: a -> ([a], b) -> ([a], b)
a <| (as, b) = (a : as, b)

wordsOrSpaces :: Line -> [WoS]
wordsOrSpaces [] = []
wordsOrSpaces (' ':xs) = (' ':ys) : wordsOrSpaces zs
where (ys,zs) = span (==' ') xs
wordsOrSpaces (x:xs) = (x:ys) : wordsOrSpaces zs
where (ys,zs) = break (==' ') xs

findCols :: [[String]] -> [Col]
findCols = nub . sort . concatMap findGaps . number

> lines :: [Pos a] -> [[Pos a]]
> lines = split 1
> where
> split _ [] = []
> split r ts = us : split (r + 1) vs
> where (us, vs) = span (\t -> row t <= r) ts

cumSum :: Num a => [a] -> [a]
cumSum = scanl (+) 0

cumDec :: [Int] -> [Int]
cumDec [] = []
cumDec (x:xs) = x : cumDec (map (subtract x) xs)

splitAts :: (Int -> [a] -> ([a],[a])) -> [Int] -> [a] -> [[a]]
splitAts [] xs = [xs]
splitAts (b:bs) xs = ys : splitAts bs zs
where (ys,zs) = splitAt b xs
splitAts spltAt = foldr f pure . cumDec
where f b g = uncurry (:) . second g . spltAt b

-- flagCols :: [Int] -> [Bool]
-- flagCols [] = []
-- flagCols (x:xs) = case compare x 0 of
-- EQ -> True:flagCols (map pred xs)
-- LT -> error "flagCols: unexpected non-starting at 0 increasing list"
-- GT -> False:flagCols (map pred xs)

-- flagCols :: [Int] -> [Bool]
-- flagCols = go 0 where
-- go k [] = []
-- go k (x:xs) = case compare x k of
-- EQ -> True : go (k+1) xs
-- LT -> error "flagCols: unexpected non-starting at 0 increasing list"
-- GT -> replicate False (x-k) ++ go (x+1) xs

findGaps . map (fmap f)
where f t = head (ann t) == ' ' && width (ann t) >= 2
findGaps :: [Pos (Bool, Bool)] -> [Col]
findGaps (t:xs)
| fst (ann t)
= case dropWhile (snd . ann) xs of
[] -> []
y:ys -> col y:findGaps ys
findGaps (_:xs) = findGaps xs
findGaps [] = []

class IsSpace a where
isSpace :: a -> Bool
isSpace = not . isNotSpace
isNotSpace :: a -> Bool
isNotSpace = not . isSpace

instance IsSpace Char where
isSpace = (==' ') -- Char.isSpace

instance IsSpace a => IsSpace (Pos a) where
isSpace = isSpace . ann
isNotSpace = isNotSpace . ann

instance IsSpace a => IsSpace [a] where
isSpace = all isSpace

class Width a where
width :: a -> Int

instance Width a => Width (Pos a) where
width = width . ann

instance Width Char where
width _ = 1

instance Width a => Width [a] where
width = sum . map width

--{-# RULES " 1)/length" sum . map (\_ -> 1) = length #-}
{-# RULES "sum/replicate" forall k. sum (replicate k (1::Int)) = k #-}
{-# RULES "map/const" forall k xs. map (\_ -> k) xs = replicate (length xs) k #-}

findGaps :: (Width tok, IsSpace tok) => [Pos tok] -> [Col]
findGaps (t:xs)
| isSpace t && width t >= 2
= case dropWhile isSpace xs of
[] -> []
y:ys -> col y : findGaps ys
findGaps (_:xs) = findGaps xs
findGaps [] = []

-- currently wrong: should take the width in account
number :: Width a => [[a]] -> [[Pos a]]
number = zipWith numb [0..]
--where numb row = zipWith (Pos row) <*> (cumSum . map width)
where numb row x = zipWith (Pos row) (cumSum . map width $ x) x

number :: (tok -> String) -> Row -> Col -> [tok] -> [Pos tok]
number str r c [] = []
number str r c (t : ts) = Pos r c t : number str r' c' ts
where (r', c') = count r c (str t)
count :: Row -> Col -> String -> (Row, Col)
count r c [] = (r, c)
count r c (a : s)
| a == '\n' = count (r + 1) 1 s
| otherwise = count r (c + 1) s
ex1 = unlines["foo :: Bar -> Baz"
," -> Boo"
,"foo = f . g"
," . h"

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