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A variant of Names
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np committed Mar 22, 2013
1 parent 0b786eb commit ecf97c7
Showing 1 changed file with 92 additions and 0 deletions.
92 changes: 92 additions & 0 deletions Names2.agda
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
module Names where

open import Level
open import Function

open import Data.Empty
open import Relation.Binary.PropositionalEquality

-- Let us assume union types; (poorly emulated here)
data _∪_ {v w} (V : Set v) (W : Set w) : Set (v ⊔ w) where
left : V V ∪ W
right : W V ∪ W

-- unions are functors
map-∪ : {u v w}{U : Set u}{V : Set v}{W : Set w} (V U) V ∪ W U ∪ W
map-∪ f (left x) = left (f x)
map-∪ f (right x) = right x

-- We expect union types to be "fluid", for example the following hold:
swp : ∀ {a} {V W X : Set a} → (V ∪ W) ∪ X ≡ (V ∪ X) ∪ W
ass : ∀ {a} {V W X : Set a} → (V ∪ W) ∪ X ≡ V ∪ (W ∪ X)

-- Worlds are types, binders are quantification over any value of any type.
data Term {a} (V : Set a) : Set (suc a) where
var : V Term V
abs : ( {W} W Term (V ∪ W)) Term V
app : Term V Term V Term V

-- Term is a functor (unlike PHOAS)
map : {a}{U V : Set a} (U V) Term U Term V
map f (abs t) = abs (λ x map (map-∪ f) (t x))
map f (var x) = var (f x)
map f (app t u) = app (map f t) (map f u)

-- Example terms
id™ : Term ⊥
id™ = abs (λ x var (right x))

const™ : Term ⊥
const™ = abs (λ x abs (λ y var (left (right x))))
-- with proper union types the left/right annotations disappear

-- Weakening
wk : {a} {V W : Set a} Term V Term (V ∪ W)
wk = map left
-- in particular, weakening becomes 'map id'; that is, just the identity

_⇶_ : {v w} Set v Set w Set _
V ⇶ W = V Term W

⇑_ : {a} {V W X : Set a} V ⇶ W (V ∪ X) ⇶ (W ∪ X)
(⇑ θ) (left x) = wk (θ x)
(⇑ θ) (right x) = var (right x)

-- Term is also a monad
join' : {a} {V W : Set a} V ⇶ W Term V Term W
join' θ (var x) = θ x
join' θ (abs t) = abs (λ x join' (⇑ θ) (t x))
join' θ (app t u) = app (join' θ t) (join' θ u)

join : {V : Set _} Term (Term V) Term V
join = join' id

join' : ∀ {V W} → Term (Term {_} V ∪ W) → Term (V ∪ W)
join' (var x) = joinV x
join' (abs t) = abs (λ x → subst Term (sym ass) (join' (subst Term ass (t x)))) --this ugliness would also disappear with real unions
join' (app t u) = app (join' t) (join' u)
join : ∀ {V} → Term (Term V) → Term V
join (var t) = t
join (abs t) = abs (λ x → join' (t x))
join (app t t₁) = app (join t) (join t₁)

-- and substitution is then easy:
subs : {U} ( {V} V Term V) Term U Term U
subs t u = join (t u)

-- Remark: because we have quantification for all types at the binder
-- level, I expect it's easy (we can follow Pouillard&Pottier) to do
-- the correctness proofs in Agda+Parametricity (no need for Kripke
-- logical relations).

-- -}
-- -}
-- -}
-- -}

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