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Justen Robertson edited this page Jul 30, 2019 · 4 revisions

Table of Contents

  1. Bot Commands
  2. Examples by Game System
  1. Syntax
  1. Roadmap

Bot Commands

Every die roll starts with !r followed by a space - that tells the bot to pay attention and read the rest of the line. It will ignore any other messages. You can use the !r command in any channel where Clattr is active. When it finishes calculating your roll it will @you with the result and delete your original message, keeping things tidy.

You can also use Clattr via DM if you need to roll privately; just open a DM channel with it. It is not allowed to delete your original command in DM.

Card commands start with !c followed by a space, the command, and optionally a deck name if you need to have multiple decks in play. Clattr doesn't just generate a random playing card - it uses a fully simulated deck, with a stock, discard pile, and a strongly randomized shuffling algorithm (Fisher-Yates). Decks start out shuffled, can be re-shuffled manually, and automatically reshuffle when the stock is depleted. Decks include 2 jokers - if your game doesn't need jokers, just ignore them for now.

Each guild (discord server) shares its decks, so if you have multiple games running in the same guild it would be wise to label your decks by game. Direct messages with the Clattr-bot have their own private decks.

Note the card system is still under development, and does not yet support hands, op/dealer privileges, or anything like that. It's good for simple tasks but won't work for most playing card games.

Examples by Game System

D&D (3rd-5th edition), D20 System, Pathfinder

Use d type (polyhedral) dice.

Example description
!r d20+7 #persuasion roll a persuasion check
!r 8d6 #fireball roll damage for a fireball
!r 2d20k1+7 #hit, 1d4+3d6+4 #sneak attack roll to hit with advantage + sneak attack damage
!r d4+1 #1, 1d4+1 #2, 1d4+1 #3 roll magic missile with individual targets
!r 2d20l1-1 #con save roll a constitution save with disadvantage
!r d20+7+d4 #blessed :) roll under the effects of bless
!r d20+7-d4 #bane :( roll under the effects of bane
!r d20!l1 #hit roll 1d20 with critical hit support (keeping the second result on a 20), for 2nd/3rd Edition & Pathfinder
!r d20!18l1 #hit roll 1d20 that crits on 18-20, clever girl


Use p type (pool) dice. Pool dice default to d10s, so when playing storyteller you don't need to specify the die size.

Example description
!r 5p roll a pool of 10-sided dice with a target of 8-10
!r 5pt7 roll a pool of 10-sided dice with a target of 7-10, if you're special


You'll have to specify p6 for your shadowrun dice, but you can make them explode!

Example description
!r 3p6! #firearms roll a pool of three 6-sided exploding dice


Fate dice (type f) default to a pool of 4, so you can omit the dice count usually. Clattr will display them as +, -, and in the results.

Example description
!r f+3 #athletics do an athletics check
!r 6f+3 #extra dice if you need to roll more than 4 fate dice, you can do that

Savage Worlds

Use w type (wild) dice for Trait tests. Note that w applies exploding rules automatically, but for exploding damage and other non-Trait rolls you need to use the '!' (exploding) modifier.

Example description
!r w8+2 #survival A ranger adding his Woodsman survival bonus
!r w10w8 #shooting, 3d6!+4 #damage An Interface Zero agent with a smart weapon system, using his custom Wild Die size

Roll Syntax

When rolling, you can polyhedral dice (d), dice pools (p), wild dice (w) or fate dice (f). You can also use plain numbers (for modifiers and other math).

The format for dice <number of dice><die type><die size><special modifiers>. so:

roll result
!r 1d20 @you rolled 12 ::: (1d20 [12] = 12)
!r 4p10 @you rolled 2 ::: (4p10 [1,10,6,8] = 2)
!r 4f @you rolled 1 ::: (4f [[+],[+],[ ],[-]] = 1)
!r 10 @you rolled 10 ::: (10)

Target Numbers

Dice pools support target numbers:

roll result
!r 5p10t7 @you rolled 3 ::: (5p10t7 [10,2,7,4,9] = 3)

Using math operators

Adding (+), subtracting (+), multiplying (*) and dividing (/) are easy:

roll result
!r 1d20+7 @you rolled 22 ::: (1d20 [15] + 7 = 22)
!r 1d20-2 @you rolled 3 ::: (1d20 [5] - 2 = 3)
!r 1d20*2 @you rolled 22 ::: (1d20 [11] * 2 = 22)
!r 1d20/2 @you rolled 9.5 ::: (1d20 [19] / 2 = 9.5)

You can also use math on dice rolls:

roll result
!r 1d6+1d4 @you rolled 4 ::: (1d6 [3] + 1d4 [1] = 4)
!r 3p10+4p6 @you rolled 3 ::: (3p10 [3,5,8] + 4p6 [3,6,6] = 3)

Math operations are simple left-to-right order, so if you do 3+4*2+3 you'll get 3+4=7 -> 7*2=14 -> 14+3=17

Special Rules

You can use keep-the-highest (k), keep-the-lowest (l), and explode (!) dice.

roll result
!r 2d20k1 @you rolled 16 ::: (2d20k1 [3,16] = 16)
!r 2d20l1 @you rolled 5 ::: (2d20l1 [5,19] = 5)
!r 1d20! @you rolled 23 ::: (1d20! [20,3] = 23)

You can set a target and maximum for exploding dice:

roll result
!r 1d20!19 @you rolled 43 ::: (1d20!19 [20,19,4] = 43)
!r 1d20!19m1 @you rolled 39 ::: (1d20!19m1 [20,19] = 39)

The maximum number of explosions for a single die is 5. This is to stop clever and crazy people from crashing the bot with infinite 1d1 explosions, sorry :)

For keeping the lowest / highest dice, you can keep more than one:

roll result
!r 3d20k2 @you rolled 22 ::: (3p20k2 [5,10,12] = 22)
!r 3p20l2 @you rolled 14 ::: (3p20l2 [8,6,12] = 14)

Combining Rules

Special rules can be combined, and are executed in order.

roll result
!r 1d20!l1 @you rolled 8 ::: (1d20!l1 [20,8] = 8)

Custom Wild Die sizes

Some Savage Worlds settings provide edges or gear that increases your wild die size. You can add a second w# to a wild roll to modify your wild die.

roll result
!r w10w6 @you rolled 22 ::: (w10w6 [7,6,3] = 9)
!r w4w8 @you rolled 14 ::: (w6w6 [4,3,6] = 7)

Multiple Rolls

You can make separate rolls in a single command and display the results individually.

roll result
!r 1d20+7, 1d6+1 @you rolled 12, 4 ::: (1d20 [5] + 7 = 12), (1d6 [3] + 1 = 4)

Tagging Rolls

Add a tag to label your rolls using #

roll result
!r 1d20+7 #to hit @you rolled to hit: 17 ::: (1d20 [10] + 7 = 17)

You can tag each roll in a multi-roll command:

roll result
!r 1d20+7 #to hit, 1d6+1 #damage @you rolled to hit: 17, damage: 4 ::: (1d20 [10] + 7 = 17), (1d6 [3] + 1 = 4)

Full Breakdown

count type size target rule tag result
accepts [int] d,p,f,w [int] t[int] !,k,l[int],w[int] +/-[int]
3d6 3 d 6 ! roll 3 d6 and sum the result
1d20 #hit 1 d 20 hit roll 1d20, with the tag 'hit'
2d20k1 2 d 20 k1 roll 2 d20s, keep the highest
4d20l2 2 d 20 l2 roll 2 d20s, keep the lowest 2
3d 3 d [6] roll 3 dice (defaulting to d6)
3d6! 3 d 6 ! roll 3 exploding d6s
3d6!5 3 d 6 !5 roll 3 exploding d6s that explode on 5 or 6
3d6!m1 3 d 6 !m1 roll 3 exploding d6s, but they only explode once
3d6!5m1 3 d 6 !5m1 roll 3 exploding d6s that explode once on 5 or 6
3d6!5m1k2 3 d 6 !5m1k2 roll 3 exploding d6s that explode once on 5 or 6, keep the highest 2
3p6t4 3 p 6 t4 roll a pool of 3d6, counting 4 or higher as a hit
3p6 3 p 6 [4] roll a pool of 3d6 (defaulting to target of 4-6)
3p 3 p [10] [8] roll a pool of 3 dice (defaulting to d10, target of 8-10)
3p6t4! 3 p 6 t4 ! roll a pool of 3d6, counting 4 or higher as a hit, exploding on 6
4f 4 f [3] roll 4 fate dice
f [4] f [3] roll fate dice, defaulting to 4 dice
w8 [1] w 8 roll a d8 and a d6 wild die, both exploding
w8w6 [1] w 8 w8 roll a d8 and a d8 wild die, both exploding
required value description
count no 1-30 the number of dice to roll. polyhedral, wild and pool dice (d, w, p) default to 1 die, fate (f) default to 4.
type yes d, p, w or f roll as individual dice and add their values (d), as a pool and count the hits (p), or roll fate dice (f)
size no 1-100 the size of the die to roll - defaults to 6 for type d and w, 10 for type p, and 3 for fate (displayed as '+', ' ', and '-')
target sometimes any whole number the target number to count as a hit, defaulting to roughly the top 1/4th to 1/3rd of the die size
rule no !, k, w or l special rules for how the dice should be handled - exploding (!), keep the highest (k), keep the lowest (l)
rule value no any whole number for exploding dice, any die equal or higher than this will explode, for keep lower/higher, the number of dice to keep
max no m, 1-5 for exploding dice, the number of times a die can explode (default 5, and can't be set higher than 5)
tag no #, text a tag to add to the roll group, can be almost any character except ,