Exchanger is a Rust-based command line utility that allows users to easily convert currencies. It retrieves currency rates from the National Bank of Belarus and calculates the exchange rate from US Dollars (USD) to Belarusian Rubles (BYN).
To install Exchanger, you will need to have the following installed on your machine:
Simply clone the repository and build the program using cargo
git clone
cd exchanger
cargo build --release
To use Exchanger, simply run the program and specify the date for rate to get
./exchanger --date <date>
You can also specify the the amount of USD you would like to convert to BYN:
./exchanger --date <date> --amount <amount>
./exchanger --date 2022-12-31 --amount 2000
# USD rate for 2022-12-31 is 2.7364
# You received (in BYN): 5472.8000
If you do not specify the date, the program will use the today's date:
./exchanger --amount 2000
USD rate for today (2023-12-27) is 3.1962
You received (in BYN): 6392.4000
Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.
Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.