PHP Client for hoverfly based on java version.
Consider having a functional test that sends a request to the application. While handling the request application can use multiple external services like forecast, billing or booking system. We don't wanna test external services because they are not stable, require an internet connection, can limit request rate per second and add delay. During the test we just want something to respond to our requests according to the specification, it does not have to be a real service and that's where hoverfly and this client come in.
$ composer require --dev ns3777k/hoverfly
Your tests have to be configured to use hoverfly proxy server (use HTTP_PROXY
) and ignore proxy for itself (use
require_once __DIR__ . '/vendor/autoload.php';
use Hoverfly\Client;
use Hoverfly\Model\Response;
class SomeTest
private $hoverfly;
public function __construct()
$this->hoverfly = new Client(['base_uri' => getenv('HOVERFLY_URL')]);
public function _before()
public function testFeature(ApiTester $I)
->withState('customer', 'individual')
Response::json(['test' => true])
->addTransitionsState('step', 'order')
->addTransitionsState('customer', 'individual')
$I->sendPOST('/api/v1/faq/9999999/dislike', ['comment' => 'test']);