Given a list of urls in urls.txt, fetch each page and determine whether a search term exists on the page (this search can be a really rudimentary regex - this part isn't too important).
You can make up the search terms. Ignore the addition information in the urls.txt file.
- Search is case insensitive
- Should be concurrent.
- It should not have more than 20 HTTP requests at any given time.
- The results should be written out to results.txt
- Avoid using thread pooling libraries like Executor, ThreadPoolExecutor, Celluloid, or Parallel streams.
The solution must be able to be run from the command line (don't assume JDK is available).
An executable jar is pre-built and committed (built using `mvn clean package`).
To execute ("keyword" can be any word):`java -jar target/Website-Searcher-jar-with-dependencies.jar keyword`
Results are outputed to results.txt in the current directory. If a timout or exception occurs while visting a paticular url, the result will be treated as if the keyword was not found on the page.