This is a fun project I started after I realized the idea with a friend of mine. It is a script written in python and makes use of Worknik API for some translations.
It takes a block of text from a text file (input.txt) and produces a new block of text (output.txt), where each word from the original has been replaced with it's phonetic spelling. Punctuation is handled and included in output in correct place.
To use you must have a key for Wordnik API, which can be found here. I need to change some things around for use without it and offline.
This script is run from command line and takes 1 argument (ipa: for IPA translation, ahd: for AHD translation).
Internation Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
- Stored locally and loaded into a dict, so this runs quickly.
- If no suitible replacement is found, then original word is unchanged.
- Produces translations that aren't as intuitive to read, but is more internationally useable.
American Heritage Dictionary phonetic notation (AHD)
- Uses Wordnik API for translations, which it means it runs much slower than the previous option.
- If no suitible replacement is found, then original word is unchanged.
- Produces the most readable translations. Also, the most fun to try and read.
Find english to AHD notation data that could be stored locally.
- This would speed up translation a great deal.
Add other alphabets and notations.
- There are others that could be implemented.
Implement GUI.
- Idea for more fleshed out app?