Ya know the drill ;)
*** Make sure you are using Node 14 to work with amplify. Use NVM
to switch versions
git clone git@github.com:nstranquist/laylasbirthday.git
yarn install
yarn start
will not work until you have configured amplify
amplify configure --appId d1s4mgfbl9l4c5 --envName staging
will connect your aws profile and region correctlyamplify pull --appId d1s4mgfbl9l4c5 --envName staging
to sync up your changesamplify pull
will work after your first time configuring. Do this before working, like agit pull
amplify push
to push your changes up to the cloud. We havestaging
environments so don't worry about pushing broken code, just try not to :p
Auth is handled by AWS Cognito and additonal user data is stored in AWS DynamoDB.
It will all be handled by a separate set of apis and lambdas, called AdminQueries
, to take care of new account signup and authentication.
We are going to be using a service called APIGateway
to set up our apis, and they will be GraphQL
APIs because that shit is hot these days and is conveniently flexible for us to make queries
, mutations
, and subscriptions
with graphql that interface with AWS services
will update when more information is ready
will fill more in here when appropriate
Prerequisite: Install this package globally: npm install -g gltf-pipeline
Steps (if starting with uncompressed gltf model):
- Convert gltf to glb:
gltf-pipeline -i <source file> -o <output file>
example:gltf-pipeline -i shoe.gltf -o shoe.glb
- (optional) Compress the model:
gltf-pipeline -i shoe.gltf -o shoe.glb --draco.compressionLevel=10
- Generate the JSX markup:
npx gltfjsx <glTF model source file>
example:npx gltfjsx shoe-draco.gltf
- Import the component and use as a model in your app!
Use this loader:
import { useGLTF } from '@react-three/drei/useGLTF'
SVG images were mostly found Here at SVG Repo