To try this project, go to:
Optimized for Firefox and Chrome.
- Maintainers: Mohamed Hadjoudj (@MohIceAge), Tim Nguyen (@nt1m)
- Contributors: Daniell Mesquita (@Plasmmer)
- Audio visualizer (modified): HTML5 Audio Visualizer
- Icons: Material Design Icons
- Web Audio API (visualizer)
tag - CSS variables
- Canvas
Pull requests ! Feel free to skim through our list of issues to see you can contribute :)
In addition to being a web app, you can also run the Media Player as a standalone app using the Electron runtime.
To get started, you'll need NodeJS, Npm and optionally git.
Download the project (by downloading the zipped project or by typing git clone
then run the following command in the root directory.
npm i
If nothing fails then you can run the app by typing:
npm start
The bundles will appear in dist/
- Current platform only:
npm run pack
- Windows (both 32-bit and 64-bit):
npm run pack-win
- macOS 64-bit:
npm run pack-osx
- Linux (both 32-bit and 64-bit):
npm run pack-linux
- For all 3 platforms:
npm run pack-all
Thank you for reading this readme! Here are some screenshots of the standalone app as a reward: