Python web scraper designed to return Cox Communications internet usage data
You can run the tool from the container using prebuilt Docker image. The container has 1 mount point:
this is where the output will be stored.
You also need to create an enviroment file (e.g. secret/cox.env) with the following contents
To run ::
docker run \
-ti \
--name coxusage \
--env-file /YOUR_LOCAL/PATH/TO_ENV/cox.env \
Personally I like to run it via cron (my personal example) ::
0 0 * * * /usr/bin/docker run --rm --name coxusage --env-file /mnt/nas2/coxusage-docker/config/cox.env -v /mnt/nas2/coxusage-docker/output:/data ntalekt/coxusage > /dev/null 2>&1
title: Cox Internet Usage
type: entities
- entity: sensor.cox_utilization
icon: mdi:percent
- entity: sensor.cox_time_left
icon: mdi:calendar-clock
- entity: sensor.cox_avg_gb_current
icon: mdi:chart-line
- entity: sensor.cox_avg_gb_remaining
icon: mdi:chart-line-stacked
show_header_toggle: false
- platform: command_line
command: cal $(date +"%m %Y") | awk 'NF {DAYS = $NF}; END {print DAYS}'
name: Days In Current Month
scan_interval: 3600
- platform: file
name: Cox Utilization
file_path: /YOUR_LOCAL/PATH/TO_OUTPUT/coxusage.json
value_template: >
{% if value_json is defined %}
{% if value_json.dumUsage | int == 0 and value_json.dumLimit | int == 0 and value_json.dumUtilization | int == 0 %}
stats unavailable
{% else %}
{{ value_json.dumUsage | int }} / {{ value_json.dumLimit | int }} GB ({{ value_json.dumUtilization | int }} %)
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- platform: file
name: Cox Time Left
file_path: /YOUR_LOCAL/PATH/TO_OUTPUT/coxusage.json
value_template: >
{% if value_json is defined %}
{% if value_json.dumDaysLeft is defined %}
{{ value_json.dumDaysLeft | int }} Days
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- platform: file
name: Cox Avg GB Current
file_path: /YOUR_LOCAL/PATH/TO_OUTPUT/coxusage.json
value_template: >
{% if value_json is defined %}
{% if value_json.dumUsage | int == 0 and value_json.dumDaysLeft | int == 0 %}
stats unavailable
{% elif states.sensor.days_in_current_month.state is defined %}
{{ (float(value_json.dumUsage) / (float(states.sensor.days_in_current_month.state) - float(value_json.dumDaysLeft))) | round(1) }} GB per day
{% else %}
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}
- platform: file
name: Cox Avg GB Remaining
file_path: /YOUR_LOCAL/PATH/TO_OUTPUT/coxusage.json
value_template: >
{% if value_json is defined %}
{% if value_json.dumLimit | int == 0 and value_json.dumUsage | int == 0 and value_json.dumDaysLeft | int == 0 %}
stats unavailable
{% else %}
{{ ((float(value_json.dumLimit) - float(value_json.dumUsage)) / float(value_json.dumDaysLeft)) | round(1) }} GB per day
{% endif %}
{% else %}
{% endif %}