If you use Swift Packages in your project and want to create a record of the LICENSE files for each package.
We create a *.plist file that you can embed into your app
name: Example Workflow
on: [push]
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- name: Checkout code
uses: actions/checkout@v4
- name: Generate plist of all used LICENSES
uses: nthState/SwiftAcknowledgements
SPM_CHECKOUT_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/.build/checkouts"
FILE_NAME: "/some/acknolegements.plist"
Required Where the Swift Package Manager files are checked out to
Required The file name/path that you want to generate
If you want to generate the text as plain text, use this option
Build the docker
docker build . -t githubactiontest -f Dockerfile
Run the docker
docker run \
-e SPM_CHECKOUT_DIR=path to checkout dir \
-e FILE=Acknowledgements.plist \
-d githubactiontest
Note: Your path may differ
export SPM_CHECKOUT_DIR="/Users/chrisdavis/Library/Developer/Xcode/DerivedData/App-gktkfhtswsmjzdhkguhoaotlhihx/SourcePackages/checkouts"
export FILE_NAME="~/Acknowledgements.plist"
python3 main.py