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Divided Powers

This repository contains source code for the article "A Formalization of Divided Powers in Lean", submitted to ITP 2025. The code runs over Lean 4 (v4.18.0-rc1) and Mathlib's version 951bd16 (March 18, 2025).

Given an ideal $I$ in a commutative ring $A$, a divided power structure on $$I$$ is a collection of maps $\{\gamma_n \colon I \to A\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$, subject to axioms that imply that it behaves like the family $\{x \mapsto \frac{x^n}{n!}\}_{n \in \mathbb{N}}$, but which can be defined even when division by factorials is not possible in $A$. Divided power structures have important applications in diverse areas of mathematics, including algebraic topology, number theory and algebraic geometry.

In this article we describe a formalization in Lean 4 of the basic theory of divided power structures, including divided power morphisms and sub-divided power ideals, and we provide several fundamental constructions, in particular quotients and sums. This constitutes the first formalization of this theory in any theorem prover.

As a prerequisite of general interest, we expand the formalized theory of multivariate power series rings, endowing them with a topology and defining evaluation and substitution of power series.

File Authorship

Every file in this repository is new, original work of the anonymous paper authors.

Installation instructions

The formalization has been developed over Lean 4 and its mathematical library Mathlib. For detailed instructions to install Lean, Mathlib, and supporting tools, visit the Lean Community website.

After installation, run the commands git clone to obtain a local copy of the repository and lake exe cache get! to download a compiled Mathlib. To open the project in VS Code, either run path/to/divided_powers on the command line, or use the "Open Folder" menu option to open the project's root directory. To compile the whole project locally, use the command lake build.


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