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Named Entity Recognition with UIMA


In this section, we present our Named Entity Recognition engine. First, we go through into the different bits of our workflow, from the pre-processing of our data, into the creation of our model and the final step, the classification. The used features are presented in the final part of the documentation, along with a description of the involved classes.

The workflow

  • Model Language: English
  • Resources directory: src/main/resources/ner/

The workflow of our model consists of the three stages, which are described in detail below. The methods of all three stages can be found in class in src/main/java/ner. All relevant resources that are used for training and classifying, can be found in the Resources directory.

  1. Writing the model: This stage is handled by the writeModel method. This method runs a pipeline that pre-processes the training data. The pipeline is fed with the ner_eng.train data-set and consists of the following engines:

    1. The NERReader.class reads the data-set, extracts the gold value annotations of each token and adds it to the indexes of Jcas for further processing.
    2. An engine that uses the SnowballStemmer.class for stemming
    3. The NERAnnotator.class which contains our feature extractors for training the model. The output of the NERAnnotator is written in src/test/resources/model/, and class CrfSuiteStringOutcomeDataWriter.class is used to write the output data in CRF format which will be used for the training in the next step of the workflow.
  2. Training the model: This stage is handled by method trainModel, which uses the Train.main method od cleartk ( to train the model based on the output that was generated on the previous step (writeModel) in src/test/resources/model/. As soon as the training is completed, this method generates the model model.jar in src/test/resources/model/.

  3. Classifying test data: This stage is handled by method classifyTestFile. The method is fed with the test data ner_eng.test which are processed by the same engines two first engines which are used for in writeModel. Following the NERReader and SnowballStemmer the pipeline which contains the additional engines:

    1. The NERAnnotator.class is used to annotate the test data-set based on the trained model model.jar.
    2. The AnalyzeFeatures.class engine, which is used to compare and analyze the results that are extracted from the NERAnnotator engine, by calculates the Recall, Precision and F1 score.


This class compares the token instance which contains the predicted value (extractor.extract(jCas, token).get(0).getValue().toString()) by the NERAnnotator, with the golden value of the token that is included in the test data-set. It then keeps a count of the all true positive, true negative, false positive and false negative findings which is used to the calculations of the Recall, Precision and F1 score.


This class consists of the following methods:

  1. initialize - This method instantiates the feature extractors which are applied to the training and test data for the Named Entity classification.
  2. process - Processes the Jcas created from the NERReader.class.
    • When this method is accessed through the writeModel method for training purposes, a list of instances of the tokens that match the requirements of the feature extractors is created. The instances are additionally written into a file by the dataWriter in src/test/resources/model/ which will then be used to train the model (trainModel).
    • When this method is accessed through the classifyTestFile method, the generated list of instances are annotated with the NEIOBAnnotation to set the predicted value of each token.


In this model, the following feature extractors are used to classify the desired name entities:

  1. TypePathExtractor for stemming

  2. TypePathExtractor for Part-of-speech tags

  3. FeatureFunctionExtractor with the following functions:

    • CoveredTextExtractor<Token> - Gets the covered text of the token's annotation
    • LowerCaseFeatureFunction() - Checks if the characters in question are lowercased
    • CapitalTypeFeatureFunction() - Checks if the characters in question follow any of these four patterns (all uppercase - ALL_UPPERCASE, the first characters is uppercase - INITIAL_UPERCASE, all characters are lowercased - ALL_LOWERCASE, the characters are mixed cased - MIXED_CASE)
    • NumericTypeFeatureFunction() - Checks is the characters in question follow any of these three patterns (are digits - DIGITS, are year digits - YEAR_DIGITS, are alphanumeric - `ALPHANUMERIC)
    • CharacterNgramFeatureFunction(fromRight, 0, 2): With the orientation set to RIGHT_TO_LEFT for characters from 0 to 2, we are checking for prefixes.
  4. CleartkExtractor<Token, Token> for Preceding(1): We extract the annotation of the previous word.

  5. CleartkExtractor<Token, Token> with TypePathExtractor POS for Preceding(2): Extracting the Part-of-speech tag of the two previous words.

  6. CleartkExtractor<Token, Token> for class SurroundingCapFeature.class:This feature extractor is checking if the two previous words and the two following words begin with a capital letter.

  7. FeatureFunctionExtractor for class NameEntityExtractor.class: Reads a list of gazetteer provided in src/main/resources/ner/eng.list, and creates a new feature based on each NER tag as shown below.

    • Tag: MISC - new Feature("miscName-" + tag)
    • Tag: PER - new Feature("perName-" + tag)
    • Tag: ORG - new Feature("orgName-" + tag)
    • Tag: LOC - new Feature("locName-" + tag)
  8. FeatureFunctionExtractor for class CityEntityExtractor.class: Reads a list of gazetteer provided in src/main/resources/ner/worldcitiespop.txt, and creates a new feature based on the LOC NER tag as shown below.

    • Tag: LOC - new Feature("locName-" + tag)

The following features were attempted but did not introduce any improvement, or actually decreased the performance of the classification process:

  • POS tags of the tokens following the focus token;
  • POS tag of one token directly preceding the focus token.


Named Entity Recognition with UIMA






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