MicroPeri is a quick and easy to use Python 3 library for turning the BBC Microbit into an external peripheral device or sensor for a normal Windows, Mac or Linux computer using MicroPython.
With it, you can quickly for example read accelerator values, button presses or even write to the LED matrix using the same API as is used with MicroPython.
You must first make sure you have a blank MicroPython .hex file loaded onto your Microbit. You can create one here.
If using Windows, you must have the ARM mbed USB serial driver installed. It can be downloaded from the mbed site.
Either install the library with (soon):
# pip3 install microperi
Or just use it as a portable module with zero install. As long as the microperi directory is in the same one as your scripts which use it, you can use import microperi just as normal.
You also no longer need the Python 3 pyserial (serial) module installed on your system, as it comes bundled along with microperi (see microperi/_portable_serial/LICENSE.txt for the pyserial copyright notice).
- Some functions and parts of the current micro:bit MicroPython API are not yet implemented - see the issues page for more information.
- If on Linux, you will need superuser priviledges to open the serial port, or your user needs to be in the dialout group.
import microperi
# try to find the micro:bit automatically
device = microperi.Microbit()
microbit = device.microbit
microbit.display.scroll("Hello world")
while True:
# is button A currently being pressed?
if microbit.button_a.is_pressed():
print("Button A is pressed")
print("Button A is not pressed")