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Run the App!

Table of Contents

  1. Meeting Notes
  2. Group Contract
  3. Project Overview
  4. Coding Standards
  5. GitHub Standards
  6. Code Documentation
  7. Navigation
  8. Onboarding
  9. Resources


  • Group Meeting #1: Monday, 11am
    • Note: ideal meeting for long sessions like brainstorming, coding because availability is from 11am-2pm.
  • Group Meeting #2: Thursday, 6pm
  • Chad Meeting: Friday, 5pm
  • Default Meeting: ID: 411 780 2958 or
  • Otherwise, meeting link will be posted in Slack Meetings channel

Meeting Notes

  • All meeting notes can be found in the Wiki
  • They should be in Markdown format and labeled as (e.g.
  • They should include: type of meeting, attendance, time/place, items for future investigation, decision etc.
  • For a sample of the meeting notes, click here.
  • We will assign a note taker on a rotating basis so that everyone has a chance to enjoy this responsibility.
Week Group Meet 1 Date Note Taker Group Meet 2 Date* Note Taker* Chad Meet Date Note Taker
2 01/14/2021 N/A N/A N/A 01/15/2021 N/A
3 01/19/2021 Nicole N/A N/A 01/22/2021 Steven
4 01/26/2021 Brandon 01/28/2021 Michael 01/29/2021 Felix
5 02/01/2021 Nicole 02/04/2021 Lulu 02/05/2021 Bryant

* = if applicable (sometimes we may have only 1 or 2 group meetings / week)

Group Contract

  • All group contracts can be found in the Wiki.
  • The contract should be in Markdown format.
  • It should include: (a) definition of what is expected to be on the team AND (b) definition of how to address situations where group "rules" are not being followed.
  • Each member will sign the contract, reupload it as a PDF, and label it as (e.g. rules-thomaspowell.pdf).
  • For a sample group contract, click here.

GitHub Standards

  • To get started on the command line:
// clone the repo
git clone
// set up your own branch
git branch my_name_branch
// then switch to that branch
git checkout my_name_branch
// to confirm that you switched branches
git branch -v
// when you've created files or made changes
git add .
git commit -m "I updated ___"
// push to your branch
git push origin my_name_branch
  • To squash commits:
git rebase -i [HEAD or starting commit]~[number of commits from that point]
// example: git rebase -i HEAD~6
// "pick" the top commit then "squash" the others
git push --force-with-lease
  • To get all the current branches
git fetch
// check what branches you have
git branch -av
  • For information on using events and testing, read the Wiki's Guides section


  • Documentation about Timer structure can be found in the wiki under Timer Architecture.
  • The main control center code is in index.html, index.css, control.js, resize.js, and storage.js and can be found in source/
  • Specific components and their JS and CSS can be found in source/components
  • Images and Audio for the Timer can be found in source/assets/images and source/assets/audio
  • Cypress and Jest testing can be found in testing/cypress and testing/jest


  • New members can check out our onboarding document here to get an understanding of the pipeline and basic git commands
  • The Wiki contains various ADR's relating to design decisions


  1. Prototyping:
  3. Color blind design
  4. Google HTML/CSS Styling