PolygonDust is an application to measure the area size of polygon with support complex polygon overlap analysis. You can cut, union, or intersect any two polygon to make a complex ploygon.
PolygonDust use raster-based method to measure the area size of polygon instead of vector-based method. We use adjustable error-rate [1] to strive for the fast process of overlap analysis, cause vector-based ovelap analysis will not efficient when meet huge amount of vertexs of polygon [2].
PolygonDust accept Shapefile (Should be polygon or multipolygon) or Waveform object file. Please take a look about Usage.
- [1] We call it adjustable error-rate becasue the user can decide small size of particles and decrease the error-rate. With small particles may increase the accuracy but also increase the process time, large particles may increase the error-rate but faster.
- [2] We reference the view of this paper Rasterization Computing-Based Parallel Vector Polygon Overlay Analysis Algorithms Using OpenMP and MPI, which declare that vector-based polygon overlap analysis may inefficient on the polygon with huge amount of vertexes.
Please make sure that you already have Python environment, C++ compiler, CMake and Make.
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install . -v
usage: main.py [-h] [-i INPUT [INPUT ...]] [-s INPUT_SHPFILE [INPUT_SHPFILE ...]] [-p PARTICLES] [-o OPERATION]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-i INPUT [INPUT ...], --input INPUT [INPUT ...]
Input a polygon with vertexs.
Input a shapefile with vertexs.
Particles size (in pixel).
Polygon Operation (Union=U, Intersect=I, Cut=C), e.g. "UUIC"
You can try out with simple-polygon waveform object file we provided.
./polygondust/main.py -i simple-polygon1.obj -p 0.1
You can also try out with NYCU shapefile we provided.
./polygondust/main.py -s ./shapefile/NYCU_Campus.shp -p 1
We also provide Zhuhu (Which is the lake in NYCU) shapefile, you can union/cut/intersect with these shapefile.
./polygondust/main.py -s ./shapefile/NYCU_Campus.shp -s ./shapefile/Zhuhu.shp -p 1
./polygondust/main.py -s ./shapefile/NYCU_Campus.shp -s ./shapefile/Zhuhu.shp -p 1 -o "C"