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Releases: nuke-build/nuke


10 Sep 01:14
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  • Added schema generation with references for build.schema.json
  • Added deserialization of full objects from parameters.json
  • Added AbsolutePath extension methods for AddUnixSymlink, Copy*, Move*, Rename*
  • Added support for preprocessor directives in solution parsing
  • Added Pattern in favor of property in LatestGitHubReleaseAttribute
  • Added ConcurrencyGroup, ConcurrencyCancelInProgress, EnvironmentName, EnvironmentUrl in GitHubActionsAttribute
  • Added DotnetPackagingTasks
  • Fixed invoked targets to not be excluded from skipping
  • Fixed stripping of hyphens in skipped target names
  • Fixed empty environment variables to be resolved as empty arrays
  • Fixed EnableUnsafeBinaryFormatterSerialization to be set through AppContext
  • Fixed unquoting of multiple quoted arguments in ArgumentStringHandler
  • Fixed using logger from settings in parallel execution
  • Fixed handling of duplicated NuGet package files
  • Fixed inclusion of original NuGet packages in requirements
  • Fixed GitHubActions to use latest action versions
  • Fixed DotCoverTasks and EntityFrameworkTasks tool path resolution
  • Fixed missing members in GitHubActionsImage
  • Fixed missing properties in GitLab
  • Fixed missing parameters in AzurePipelines.SetVariables
  • Fixed missing arguments in DotNetTasks
  • Fixed tool path in CodecovTasks


18 Jan 10:21
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  • Changed string parameters to violate requirement when empty or whitespace
  • Added on-demand value injection using OnDemandAttribute and OnDemandValueInjectionAttribute
  • Added AbsolutePath division operator for .. range expression
  • Added DOTNET_NOLOGO to bootstrapping files
  • Fixed BinaryFormatterSerialization warning by suppression
  • Fixed .NET SDK discovery in bootstrapping files
  • Fixed quotation for bootstrapping script invocation
  • Fixed filtering on FileAttributes
  • Fixed quoting in AppVeyor generation
  • Fixed members in AzurePipelinesImage
  • Fixed members in GitHubActionsImage
  • Fixed lower-case naming in DotNetVerbosity members
  • Fixed missing DotNetTasks commands
  • Fixed missing EntityFrameworkTasks command
  • Fixed logging in NpmTasks
  • Fixed argument type in OctopusTasks
  • Fixed missing argument in SonarScannerTasks
  • Fixed value formatting in SonarScannerTasks
  • Fixed members in NUnitLabelType
  • Fixed deprecated argument in NUnitTasks
  • Fixed members in ReportGeneratorReportTypes


24 Sep 21:52
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  • Fixed logging of Docker target execution to fall back to debug messages


04 Sep 23:01
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  • Fixed filtering environment variables with newlines in Docker target execution
  • Fixed logging in Docker target execution
  • Fixed update of version summary in ChangelogTasks
  • Fixed missing DockerTasks command


31 Aug 19:59
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  • Fixed check on nullable parameter type
  • Fixed telemetry check on home repository
  • Fixed missing environment variables for AppVeyor
  • Fixed ICreateGitHubRelease to work with existing releases
  • Fixed ICreateGitHubRelease to set GitHubToken unconditionally
  • Fixed SetBuildTarget and SetTestPlatform overloads in UnityTasks
  • Fixed UnityRunTestsSettings base type


21 Aug 20:42
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  • Fixed enumeration value sets to exclude non-public fields
  • Fixed check for NUKE_ENTERPRISE_TOKEN in bootstrapping script
  • Fixed default warnings with suppression
  • Fixed telemetry to treat types as common when their assembly points to home repository
  • Fixed filtering of secrets in CLT Output collection
  • Fixed handling of AbsolutePath collections in ArgumentStringHandler
  • Fixed handling of IAbsolutePathHolder in ArgumentStringHandler
  • Fixed handling of relativePath for SolutionAttribute in StronglyTypedSolutionGenerator
  • Fixed error reporting in StronglyTypedSolutionGenerator
  • Fixed TeamCity pom.xml template to use HTTPS
  • Fixed duplicated payload serialization in TeamsTasks
  • Fixed missing arguments in OctopusTasks
  • Fixed missing command in UnityTasks
  • Fixed missing members in UnitBuildTarget
  • Fixed argument formatting in MSpecTasks
  • Fixed assertion in UnityTasks


06 May 19:10
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  • Refactored out multiple projects
  • Renamed ProcessCustomLogger to ProcessLogger
  • Renamed LocalExecutableAttribute to LocalPathAttribute
  • Renamed NpmExecutableAttribute to NpmPackageAttribute
  • Renamed PackageExecutableAttribute to NuGetPackageAttribute
  • Renamed PathExecutableAttribute to PathVariableAttribute
  • Changed bootstrapping scripts to use STS instead of Current channel
  • Changed Target conditions to use regular delegates captured using CallerArgumentExpressionAttribute
  • Changed AbsolutePath to implicit cast to string
  • Changed HandleSIngleFileExecutionAttribute to be opt-in
  • Changed string-based command-line tool tasks to use ArgumentStringHandler
  • Changed LatestMavenVersionAttribute to exclude previously hardcoded m2 suffix
  • Changed OctoVersionTasks to use replacement package
  • Removed legacy project setup
  • Removed YAML shell completion
  • Removed ExternalFilesTask
  • Removed CheckBuildProjectConfigurationsAttribute
  • Removed obsolete members in OctoVersionAttribute
  • Removed Nuke.MSBuildLocator package
  • Updated package dependencies
  • Updated AzureKeyVault integration
  • Added assertion against Target self-dependence
  • Added support for tool requirements and automatic installation
  • Added ProcessExitHandler for CLT tasks
  • Added auto-resolution of appropriate framework in NuGetToolPathResolver
  • Added windowsPath and unixPath to LocalPathAttribute
  • Added LatestMavenVersionAttribute.IncludePrerelease
  • Added DelegateDisposable.SetAndRestore
  • Added Solution implicit cast to AbsolutePath
  • Added AbsolutePath extension methods for TextTasks, FileSystemTasks, CompressionTasks, SerializationTasks
  • Added AbsolutePath plus operator
  • Added EnvironmentInfo.Paths
  • Added IFormattable to AbsolutePath
  • Added properties for permissions in GitHubActions generation
  • Added support for job timeout and concurrency configuration in GitHubActions generation
  • Added PublishCondition and LFS property in GitHubActions generation
  • Added Directory.Packages.props to default cache key files in GitHubActions generation
  • Added names for actions in GitHubActions generation
  • Added display names for tasks in AzurePipelines generation
  • Added resolution of GitHub token in GitHubTasks through GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable
  • Added StaticWebAppsTasks
  • Added PwshTasks
  • Fixed linking of Directory.Build files in build project view
  • Fixed skipping of trigger dependencies when original target is skipped
  • Fixed continue parameter to retry previously skipped targets
  • Fixed missing Log.CloseAndFlush() for logging
  • Fixed newlines in bootstrapping scripts
  • Fixed log-level check for ProcessException
  • Fixed case-sensitivity in nuget.config discovery
  • Fixed ProcessException to retain exit code
  • Fixed StronglyTypedSolutionGenerator to add auto-generated XML header
  • Fixed NPM integration
  • Fixed Repository.IsGitHubRepository to consider nullable Endpoint
  • Fixed casing for PublishBuildArtifacts in AzurePipelines generation
  • Fixed missing environment variables for SpaceAutomation
  • Fixed missing environment variables for GitHubActions
  • Fixed escaping of GitHubActions workflow values
  • Fixed missing arguments in KubernetesTasks


22 Mar 03:06
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  • Added new version of Octokit
  • Added OptionalAttribute to suppress auto-injection warnings
  • Added ability to override ProcessCustomLogger in ToolSettings
  • Added ability to exclude auto-linked files in build project
  • Added DiscordTasks
  • Added MastodonTasks
  • Added JavaScriptProject project type
  • Added MakeNSISTasks
  • Fixed wording for static and dynamic conditions in build summary
  • Fixed waiting for confirmation when input is redirected
  • Fixed recursion into symlink directories
  • Fixed ProcessException to output standard output
  • Fixed MinimalOutput in UnityTasks
  • Fixed missing AzurePipelinesBuildReason
  • Fixed missing arguments in DotNetTasks
  • Fixed argument formatting in HelmTasks
  • Fixed missing command in DotNetTasks


22 Mar 03:06
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  • Fixed logging configuration


22 Mar 03:06
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  • Added support for intercepted targets
  • Added target interception for Docker
  • Added support for context components
  • Added DisableDefaultOutputAttribute
  • Added InstallNpmToolsAttribute and NpmExecutableAttribute
  • Added EnvironmentInfo.IsArm64
  • Added SetProcessExecutionTimeout overload for TimeSpan
  • Added DotNetRuntimeIdentifiers
  • Fixed telemetry
  • Fixed GetPathExecutable to manually search PATH environment variable if locator executable is not available
  • Fixed resolution of surrogate arguments in Visual Studio
  • Fixed performance of NuGetPackageResolver
  • Fixed GitTasks.GitIsDetached
  • Fixed missing members in GitHubActionsImage
  • Fixed missing members in AzurePipelinesRepositoryType
  • Fixed detection for Bamboo
  • Fixed missing arguments in KubernetesTasks
  • Fixed missing arguments in DockerTasks