decancer v3.0.0 is here!
Yup, another major update! This update brings in three major changes:
Added a way to customize decancer's behavior!
This update was proposed by #23, and now it's finally here! This makes it a breaking change for both Rust and C/C++ users.
- Rust:
ordecancer::cure("text", options).unwrap();
- C/C++:
decancer_cure(text, sizeof(text), &error_code);
becomesdecancer_cure(text, sizeof(text), DECANCER_OPTION_DEFAULT, &error_code);
More advanced way of matching similar strings
Decancer now also adopts an algorithm that lets it detect more complex looking strings! Like:
now matches withhello
now matches withhello
h e--l-l!o!o!
now matches withhello
This way of matching strings is inspired by JPBBerry over at CensorBot. Soo kudos to him!
Added Java support!
This was originally attempted by anominy, but is now scrapped, soo i decided to do it myself! For more information, see the README.
Thank you all for supporting decancer! Happy coding! Much love!! ❤️❤️❤️