It has been detected by many Yowsup users that Whatsapp is insta-banning anyone trying to register a phone number using the library. Please refrain from doing so and save your phone number :).
Some members have suggested that registering the number in an actual phone, using it a bit, and after 12 hours using it with Yowsup has been a successfull way to bypass Whatsapp's bot filter.
Donate to contribute with the project:
BTC 1FCP2Qrkkexf3zSCKu8bnxZGtbbzfkU8m7
ETH 0x32dB252572840D6Ab1D51E3FD2EDadc8C6C87935
ETC 0x8a36E1385FF1210c98cc57B0411D79E323E8d677
DASH XhCPHypCspaPNrqnCL99Fxkm4feM2tt8bW
Crypto-Fantasy is a cryptocurrency fantasy trading game written in Python which you play in Whatsapp (props to Yowsup library). It excells at multiplayer games with your friends in whatsapp groups. Using realtime data from CoinMarketCap, the objective is to trade and compete with your friends to see who makes the most money throughout a week, with a fixed starting money amount of $10,000.
Its a great way to practice trading, as well as keeping up with prices and trends. If you're into cryptocurrency, you'll love this.
- help
- tutorial
- tick / ticker <symbol>: returns information about the coin; price, % change, etc.
- top <number>: returns a list of top cryptocurrencies with prices and % change
- buy <amount_usd> <symbol>
- sell $<amount_usd> <symbol> or sell <coin_amount> <symbol>
- leaderboard
- join \ play: joins the current round. Must be registered before.
- portfolio
- register <name>
- transactions (WIP)
Build image:
docker-compose up -d
- Requires python 2.6+, or python3.0+
- Required python packages: python-dateutil,
- Required python packages for end-to-end encryption: protobuf, pycrypto, python-axolotl-curve25519
- Requires pip
- Requires yowsup
Install yowsup:
pip install yowsup2
python install
- Requires mobile phone number from SIM card
First you need to follow Yowsup's registration process to register your phone number and obtain the Whatsapp password.
Copy and rename credentials.txt.example
to credentials.txt
and add your login details (phone number and password provided by previous step).
Only if using Docker:
docker exec -it <container_id> bash
cd app
And type this to run on Whatsapp:
Or this to run in command line for tests:
This will create the sqlite3 database and start the game loop. From this point, you should be able to talk to the bot. Start by sending help
through whatsapp to check the commands available.
crypto-fantasy is licensed under the GPLv3+: