Battleye rcon client built in nodejs.
import * as readline from 'readline'
import { readCfg, Socket } from 'battleye'
.then(cfg => {
if (!cfg.rconpassword || !cfg.rconip || !cfg.rconport) {
throw new Error('Invalid BEServer.cfg')
// create socket
const socket = new Socket({
port: 2310, // listen port
ip: '', // listen ip
// create connection
const connection = socket.connection({
name: 'my-server', // server name
password: cfg.rconpassword, // rcon password
ip: cfg.rconip, // rcon ip
port: cfg.rconport // rcon port
}, {
reconnect: true, // reconnect on timeout
reconnectTimeout: 500, // how long (in ms) to try reconnect
keepAlive: true, // send keepAlive packet
keepAliveInterval: 15000, // keepAlive packet interval (in ms)
timeout: true, // timeout packets
timeoutInterval: 1000, // interval to check packets (in ms)
serverTimeout: 30000, // timeout server connection (in ms)
packetTimeout: 1000, // timeout packet check interval (in ms)
packetTimeoutThresholded: 5, // packets to resend
// create readline for command input
const rl = readline.createInterface({
input: process.stdin,
output: process.stdout
socket.on('listening', (socket) => {
const addr = socket.address()
console.log(`Socket listening on ${typeof addr === 'string' ? addr : `${addr.address}:${addr.port}`}`)
socket.on('received', (resolved, packet, buffer, connection, info) => {
console.log(`received: ${connection.ip}:${connection.port} => packet:`, packet)
socket.on('sent', (packet, buffer, bytes, connection) => {
console.log(`sent: ${connection.ip}:${connection.port} => packet:`, packet)
socket.on('error', (err) => { console.error(`SOCKET ERROR:`, err) })
connection.on('message', (message, packet) => {
console.log(`message: ${connection.ip}:${connection.port} => message: ${message}`)
connection.on('command', (data, resolved, packet) => {
console.log(`command: ${connection.ip}:${connection.port} => packet:`, packet)
connection.on('disconnected', (reason) => {
console.warn(`disconnected from ${connection.ip}:${connection.port},`, reason)
connection.on('connected', () => {
console.error(`connected to ${connection.ip}:${connection.port}`)
connection.on('debug', console.log)
connection.on('error', (err) => {
console.error(`CONNECTION ERROR:`, err)
rl.on('line', input => {
.then(response => {
console.log(`response: ${connection.ip}:${connection.port} => ${response.command}\n${}`)
console.log(`send: ${connection.ip}:${connection.port} => ${input}`)
.catch(err => { console.error(`Error reading config:`, err) })