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Getting Started

NatKSS edited this page Apr 14, 2017 · 8 revisions

How to Get Started

Whether you're someone interested in NUS Oracle's project or a wide-eyed developer who's looking for a way to contribute, here's a master page of all of the relevant links and pages you can dig through to find what you need!

Project-related Information

Simply access the links on the right-hand sidebar to browse through the project's main sections.

How to contribute Check out a full set of instructions about how to set up your development environment here. We put in a set of instructions there to show you how to install the necessary dependencies as well, so if you're a developer, what're you waiting for!

Follow the latest changes! Check out a list of all the important features and fixes we've made throughout our code sprints here.

Final Word

Whether you're just a passer-by or a potential code contributor, we'd just like to thank you for taking time to check out NUS Oracle! We hope that you'll gain something from looking through NUS Oracle's documentation.

If you're in interested in contributing to the project, but you're not a developer, feel free to email us at for further enquiries and we'll do our best to assist you!

-- THE END & We'll see you on NUS Oracle! --