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7. Misc

Jie Hao edited this page Apr 16, 2017 · 1 revision

This is a snapshot of the milestone status as of 3 March 2017


Implementation of file manager system. By this milestone, we should have a basic working file management system that is connected to a local database.


#178 Create a client side only sql database for the web application
#176 Implementation the FileManager API
#175 Create storage facade for alasql database
#131 Editor can add a title to the document
#38 User can read an existing document
#9 User can update an existing document
#10 Editor can save the document as a .md file into the webapp
#46 User can download an existing document
#49 User can upload a markdown file to the webapp
#40 User can delete an existing document
#106 User can make a copy of the document inside the webapp
#148 User can search for a file or folder on the file manager


#145 User can view file manager in list view
#177 Create the UI for file manager view to fulfill v0.1.1b milestone
#195 Update EditorViewer navbar appearance
#144 User can view file manager in icon view


Conditional Rendering of Documents and Additional Markdown add-ons. These are the additional features that add on top of the software. After this stage, the software should be usable as a application that allow users to create note and presentation materials.


#18 Viewer can select sections of the document to print.
#18 Viewer can select sections of the document to print.


#28 Editor can create a Table of content for document
#96 Editor can create a different version of the document with part of the content selectively hidden
#32 Editor can type mathematical formulas using latex
#35 Editor can insert formatted snippets of code


Document formatter Essential feature that enhance the minimum-viable-product.


#45 Editor can create transition in the Slides document
#24 Editor can change orientation of the Pages


#64 User can use Pages format for printing
#14 Editor can manage page break within the Pages document
#153 Editor can manage page break within the Slides document
#171 Implementation of DocumentFormatter tasks
#53 Editor can generate multiple document versions from the same single source
#155 Editor can generate a Pages format using a markdown source
#154 Editor can generate a Slides format using a markdown source
#99 User can switch between different document formats in a menu

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