- Demo URL: https://main.dapvd5xktde9j.amplifyapp.com/ (Hosted on AWS Amplify)
- Main GraphQL API: http://nuuxcode-graphql-project.eu-north-1.elasticbeanstalk.com/ (Hosted on AWS Elastic Beanstalk)
- Backup GraphQL API: (Hosted on Digital Ocean)
- PostgreSQL on AWS RDS
- Test Main Api : Api from AWS Elastic Beanstalk
- Test Backup Api : Api from Digital Ocean
This project is built using the following technologies:
- Prisma: Next-generation Node.js and TypeScript ORM. Prisma helps you build efficient, reliable and scalable applications.
- GraphQL: A query language for APIs and a runtime for executing those queries with your existing data.
- ReactJS: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
- PostgreSQL: A powerful, open source object-relational database system.
These technologies provide a robust and scalable platform for our GraphQL Notes API.
This project is hosted and managed using the following AWS services:
- AWS Amplify: Used for hosting the demo of the application. AWS Amplify makes it easy to create, configure, and implement scalable mobile and web apps powered by AWS.
- AWS Elastic Beanstalk: Used for deploying and managing the GraphQL API. AWS Elastic Beanstalk is an easy-to-use service for deploying and scaling web applications and services.
- AWS RDS: Used for hosting the PostgreSQL database. Amazon RDS makes it easy to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud.
These AWS services provide a robust and scalable platform for our GraphQL Notes API.
This API allows you to perform CRUD operations on notes using GraphQL. Below are some example queries and mutations you can use.
To fetch all notes, use the following query:
query {
notes {
To fetch a note by its ID, use the following query (replace 2 with your desired ID):
query {
note(id:2) {
To search notes by a string, use the following query (replace "your search string" with your desired search string):
query {
searchNotes(searchString: "your search string") {
To update a note, use the following mutation (replace 1 with your desired ID and "New Title" and "New Content" with your desired title and content):
mutation {
updateNote(id: 1, data: { title: "New Title", content: "New Content" }) {
To delete a note, use the following mutation (replace 1 with your desired ID):
mutation {
deleteNote(id: 1) {