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Nuxeo Android projects

This repository is deprecated, thus its documentation has been removed from the documentation, yet you can still access it in the git history:

Initialize Maven repository with Android artifacts (with Maven 3)

git clone mvn install -P4.1

How to build

export ANDROID_HOME=/path/to/your/AndroidSDK/containing/platforms/

Using maven 2.2.1 or later, from root folder:

$ mvn clean install

This will build the sub-modules nuxeo-automation-thin-client, nuxeo-android, nuxeo-android-connector, nuxeo-automation-sample and nuxeo-automation-sample-test

The produced APKs will be in nuxeo-android/target/, nuxeo-automation-sample/target and nuxeo-automation-sample-test/target

You can work from Eclipse, using Android Development Tools (ADT) but do not use maven-eclipse-plugin which badly defines:

  • JRE instead of Android SDK
  • target/generated-sources/ instead of src/

Copy .project.ok to .project and .classpath.ok to .classpath, then import the projects into Eclipse.

You can still use maven-eclipse-plugin for the nuxeo-automation-thin-client and nuxeo-android-connector modules.

$ mvn eclipse:eclipse -pl nuxeo-automation-thin-client,nuxeo-android-connector

The Maven build uses maven-android-plugin.

Here's an overview of its main targets:

  • android:deploy

    Deploys the built apk file, or another specified apk, to a connected device. Automatically performed when running mvn integration-test (or mvn install) on a project with instrumentation tests.

  • android:deploy-dependencies

    Deploys all directly declared dependencies of <type>apk</type> in this project's pom. Usually used in a project with instrumentation tests, to deploy the apk to test onto the device before running the deploying and running the instrumentation tests apk. Automatically performed when running mvn integration-test (or mvn install) on a project with instrumentation tests.

  • android:dex

    Converts compiled Java classes to the Android dex format.

  • android:emulator-start

    EmulatorStartMojo can start the Android Emulator with a specified Android Virtual Device (avd).

  • android:emulator-stop

    EmulatorStartMojo can stop the Android Emulator with a specified Android Virtual Device (avd).

  • android:zipalign

    ZipalignMojo can run the zipalign command against the apk.

Modules description

  • Nuxeo Automation Thin Client (nuxeo-automation-thin-client)

    It is a fork from nuxeo-automation-client making it usable with Google Android SDK 2.2 and reducing its dependencies. This module only manage ReadOnly access to nuxeo and is deprecated: use nuxeo-android-connector.

  • Nuxeo Android simple client (nuxeo-android)

    The Nuxeo Android application based on Nuxeo Automation Thin Client and Droid4Me library. This module is deprecated since it relies on the deprecated automation-client.

  • Nuxeo Android connector (nuxeo-android-connector)

    New connector for using Nuxeo Platform services from Android. It's an alternative library of nuxeo-automation-thin-client that provide more infrastructure and support for Read/Write operation as well as off-line management.

    Important note: since Nuxeo 7.4 the batch upload API has changed to be exposed as a REST resource endpoint.

    The old API using /site/automation/batch/upload is deprecated but kept for backward compatibility.

    Yet since 7.10, for security reasons, this old API does not allow to use a client-side generated batch id passed as a request header, see NXP-18030 for details.

    Therefore it is strongly recommended to upgrade to the new batch upload API by adapting the related classes. This probably just impacts

    If this is not possible for any reason and you absolutely need to keep using the old API you have two options:

    • Not passing the X-Batch-Id header, the batch id will then be automatically generated server-side.
    • Setting the allowClientGeneratedBatchId configuration property to true on the Nuxeo instance (not recommended).
  • Nuxeo Automation sample (nuxeo-automation-sample)

    Sample use of the library.

  • Nuxeo Automation sample test (nuxeo-automation-sample-test)

    Test application for Nuxeo Automation sample.

Nuxeo Android Simple Client

This Android application aims to show application abilities to work with a Nuxeo server using Nuxeo Automation REST API.

It is based on droid4me framework provided by Smart&Soft.

WARNING: This code is in beta state (it was the result of two days sprint at Nuxeo). It's a proof of concept and need some work to provide more useful features.

Nuxeo Automation sample

Sample use of library.

About Nuxeo

Nuxeo provides a modular, extensible Java-based [open source software platform for enterprise content management] 1 and packaged applications for [document management] 2, [digital asset management] 3 and [case management] 4. Designed by developers for developers, the Nuxeo platform offers a modern architecture, a powerful plug-in model and extensive packaging capabilities for building content applications.

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Android implementation for browsing Nuxeo






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