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Robert Stern edited this page Nov 3, 2015 · 1 revision

EverPad supports a variety of keyboard shortcuts which differ based on what part of the program you are in. This wiki page details them all.

All Notes

These shortcuts can be used on the main Everpad dialog which shows all the notes and notebooks.

Shortcut Function
Ctrl + N New Note
Ctrl + Shift + N New Notebook
Ctrl + Q Close


These shortcuts can be used on the Edit/View dialog for notes.

Shortcut Function
Ctrl + S Save
Ctrl + W Close (with save)
Ctrl + B Bold
Ctrl + I Italic
Ctrl + U Underline
Ctrl + Shift + B Insert Bulleted List
Ctrl + Shift + O Insert Numbered List
Ctrl + Shift + V Paste Plain Text
Ctrl + F Find
Ctrl + P Print
Ctrl + K Insert Hyperlink
Ctrl + Shift + K Edit Hyperlink
Ctrl + L Align left
Ctrl + R Align right
Ctrl + E Center
Ctrl + J Justify
Ctrl + T Strike-through
Ctrl + Space Remove formatting
Ctrl + Shift + C Insert Checkbox

Still To Do

There are a few shortcuts which still haven't been implemented yet. These are listed below.

Location Shortcut Function
All Notes F2 Rename selected Note/Notebook
All Notes Delete Delete selected Note/Notebook
All Notes Ctrl + A Select all notes
Notes Ctrl + Shift + F9 Remove hyperlink
Notes Ctrl + Shift + I Insert Image
Notes F3 Focus Tab edit box
Notes Alt + Shift + D Insert current date and time
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