Saturdays, 2.30 - 4.30pm
Pre-requisites for this class
- Install R -
- Install RStudio -
Topics Covered
- RStudio IDE features
- Customizing the RStudio Environment
- Creating and Managing a RStudio Project
- Data Analysis Value Chain
- Installing and Loading
Topics Covered
- Base plotting
- ggplot2
Topics Covered
- Data Structures: Vectors, Lists, Matrices, Data frames
- Creation
- Inspection
- Adding and Removing
- Indexing
- Type casting and coercion
Topics Covered
- readxl
- haven
- jsonlite
- tidyr
Topics Covered
- dplyr
Topics Covered
- Function syntax
- Control structures
- apply family of functions
Topics Covered
- Working with RMarkdown
- Shiny
- The Art of R Programming - Norman Matloff
- R Graphics Cookbook (for ggplot2) - Winston Chang
- R for Everyone - Jared Lander
- R in Action - Rob Kabacoff
- R Cookbook - Paul Teetor
Reference books (optional)
- Advanced R - Hadley Wickham
- The R Inferno (PDF copy) - Patrick Burns
R Programming Workshop by Narayanan Venkataraman is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
Based on a work at