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nvidianz authored May 13, 2024
2 parents 07d3787 + d050cf2 commit 98289c4
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Showing 36 changed files with 1,477 additions and 79 deletions.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,7 @@
"id": "mlflow_receiver_with_tracking_uri",
"path": "nvflare.app_opt.tracking.mlflow.mlflow_receiver.MLflowReceiver",
"args": {
tracking_uri = "file:///{WORKSPACE}/{JOB_ID}/mlruns"
"kwargs": {
"experiment_name": "hello-pt-experiment",
"run_name": "hello-pt-with-mlflow",
Expand Down
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ def evaluate(input_weights):
running_loss += loss.item()
if i % 2000 == 1999: # print every 2000 mini-batches
print(f"({client_id}) [{epoch + 1}, {i + 1:5d}] loss: {running_loss / 2000:.3f}")
global_step = input_model.current_round * local_epochs * batch_size + epoch * batch_size + i
global_step = input_model.current_round * steps + epoch * len(trainloader) + i
mlflow.log_metric("loss", running_loss / 2000, global_step)
running_loss = 0.0

Expand Down
46 changes: 44 additions & 2 deletions examples/hello-world/step-by-step/cifar10/sag/sag.ipynb
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -232,8 +232,8 @@
"source": [
"! nvflare job create -j /tmp/nvflare/jobs/cifar10_sag_pt -w sag_pt_in_proc \\\n",
"-f meta.conf min_clients=2 \\\n",
"-f config_fed_client.conf app_config=\"--batch_size 4 --dataset_path {CIFAR10_ROOT} --num_workers 2\" \\\n",
"-f config_fed_server.conf num_rounds=5 \\\n",
"-f config_fed_client.conf app_config=\"--batch_size 4 --dataset_path {CIFAR10_ROOT} --num_workers 2\" \\\n",
"-f config_fed_server.conf num_rounds=2 \\\n",
"-sd ../code/fl \\\n",
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,6 +289,48 @@
"The next 5 examples will use the same ScatterAndGather workflow, but will demonstrate different execution APIs and feature.\n",
"In the next example [sag_deploy_map](../sag_deploy_map/sag_deploy_map.ipynb), we will learn about the deploy_map configuration for deployment of apps to different sites."
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "a49b430b-a65b-4b1e-8793-9b3befcfcfd9",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"!tree /tmp/nvflare/jobs/cifar10_sag_pt_workspace/"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "50594df7-b4c9-4e5e-944a-403b5a105c27",
"metadata": {
"tags": []
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"!mlflow ui --port 5000 --backend-store-uri /tmp/nvflare/jobs/cifar10_sag_pt_workspace/server/simulate_job/mlruns"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "af2b6628-61af-4bc8-84d4-a9876a27c7c2",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": [
"!tensorboard --logdir=/tmp/nvflare/jobs/cifar10_sag_pt_workspace/server/simulate_job/tb_events"
"cell_type": "code",
"execution_count": null,
"id": "d3ad11c3-6ef7-46cd-8778-0090505b14e1",
"metadata": {},
"outputs": [],
"source": []
"metadata": {
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion job_templates/sag_pt_in_proc/config_fed_server.conf
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
path = "nvflare.app_opt.tracking.mlflow.mlflow_receiver.MLflowReceiver"
args {
# tracking_uri = ""
tracking_uri = ""
tracking_uri = "file:///{WORKSPACE}/{JOB_ID}/mlruns"
kwargs {
experiment_name = "nvflare-sag-pt-experiment"
run_name = "nvflare-sag-pt-with-mlflow"
Expand Down
15 changes: 11 additions & 4 deletions nvflare/app_common/executors/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -61,6 +61,7 @@ def __init__(
submit_model_task_name: str = "submit_model",
super(InProcessClientAPIExecutor, self).__init__()
self._abort = False
self._client_api = None
self._result_pull_interval = result_pull_interval
self._log_pull_interval = log_pull_interval
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -93,6 +94,7 @@ def __init__(
self._event_manager = EventManager(self._data_bus)
self._data_bus.subscribe([TOPIC_LOCAL_RESULT], self.local_result_callback)
self._data_bus.subscribe([TOPIC_LOG_DATA], self.log_result_callback)
self._data_bus.subscribe([TOPIC_ABORT, TOPIC_STOP], self.to_abort_callback)
self.local_result = None
self._fl_ctx = None
self._task_fn_path = None
Expand All @@ -106,17 +108,19 @@ def handle_event(self, event_type: str, fl_ctx: FLContext):

self._task_fn_wrapper = TaskScriptRunner(
script_path=self._task_script_path, script_args=self._task_script_args

self._task_fn_thread = threading.Thread(

meta = self._prepare_task_meta(fl_ctx, None)
self._client_api = InProcessClientAPI(task_metadata=meta, result_check_interval=self._result_pull_interval)
self._data_bus.put_data(CLIENT_API_KEY, self._client_api)


elif event_type == EventType.END_RUN:
self._event_manager.fire_event(TOPIC_STOP, "END_RUN received")
if self._task_fn_thread:
Expand All @@ -142,7 +146,7 @@ def execute(self, task_name: str, shareable: Shareable, fl_ctx: FLContext, abort
# wait for result
self.log_info(fl_ctx, "Waiting for result from peer")
while True:
if abort_signal.triggered:
if abort_signal.triggered or self._abort is True:
# notify peer that the task is aborted
self._event_manager.fire_event(TOPIC_ABORT, f"{task_name}' is aborted, abort_signal_triggered")
return make_reply(ReturnCode.TASK_ABORTED)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,3 +235,6 @@ def log_result_callback(self, topic, data, databus):
# fire_fed_event = True w/o fed_event_converter somehow did not work
with self._engine.new_context() as fl_ctx:
send_analytic_dxo(self, dxo=dxo, fl_ctx=fl_ctx, event_type=ANALYTIC_EVENT_TYPE, fire_fed_event=False)

def to_abort_callback(self, topic, data, databus):
self._abort = True
60 changes: 43 additions & 17 deletions nvflare/app_common/executors/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -14,75 +14,101 @@
import builtins
import logging
import os
import runpy
import sys
import traceback

from nvflare.client.in_process.api import TOPIC_ABORT
from nvflare.fuel.data_event.data_bus import DataBus
from nvflare.fuel.data_event.event_manager import EventManager

print_fn = builtins.print

class TaskScriptRunner:
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

def __init__(self, script_path: str, script_args: str = None):
def __init__(self, site_name: str, script_path: str, script_args: str = None, redirect_print_to_log=True):
"""Wrapper for function given function path and args
site_name (str): site name
script_path (str): script file name, such as
script_args (str, Optional): script arguments to pass in.

self.redirect_print_to_log = redirect_print_to_log
self.event_manager = EventManager(DataBus())
self.script_args = script_args
self.client_api = None
self.site_name = site_name
self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)
self.script_path = self.get_script_full_path(script_path)
self.script_path = script_path
self.script_full_path = self.get_script_full_path(self.site_name, self.script_path)

def run(self):
"""Call the task_fn with any required arguments.""""\n start task run() with {self.script_path}")"\n start task run() with full path: {self.script_full_path}")
import runpy

curr_argv = sys.argv
builtins.print = log_print
builtins.print = log_print if self.redirect_print_to_log else print_fn
sys.argv = self.get_sys_argv()
runpy.run_path(self.script_path, run_name="__main__")
runpy.run_path(self.script_full_path, run_name="__main__")
sys.argv = curr_argv

except ImportError as ie:
msg = "attempted relative import with no known parent package"
if ie.msg == msg:
xs = [p for p in sys.path if self.script_full_path.startswith(p)]
import_base_path = max(xs, key=len)
raise ImportError(
f"{ie.msg}, the relative import is not support. python import is based off the sys.path: {import_base_path}"
raise ie
except Exception as e:
msg = traceback.format_exc()
if self.client_api:
self.logger.error("fire abort event")
self.event_manager.fire_event(TOPIC_ABORT, f"'{self.script_full_path}' is aborted, {msg}")
raise e
builtins.print = print_fn

def get_sys_argv(self):
args_list = [] if not self.script_args else self.script_args.split()
return [self.script_path] + args_list
return [self.script_full_path] + args_list

def get_script_full_path(self, script_path) -> str:
def get_script_full_path(self, site_name, script_path) -> str:
target_file = None
script_filename = os.path.basename(script_path)
script_dirs = os.path.dirname(script_path)

if os.path.isabs(script_path):
if not os.path.isfile(script_path):
raise ValueError(f"script_path='{script_path}' not found")
return script_path

for r, dirs, files in os.walk(os.getcwd()):
for f in files:
absolute_path = os.path.join(r, f)
if absolute_path.endswith(script_path):
parent_dir = absolute_path[: absolute_path.find(script_path)].rstrip(os.sep)
if os.path.isdir(parent_dir):
target_file = absolute_path
path_components = parent_dir.split(os.path.sep)
if site_name in path_components:
target_file = absolute_path

if not script_dirs and f == script_filename:
if not site_name and not script_dirs and f == script_filename:
target_file = absolute_path

if target_file:

if not target_file:
raise ValueError(f"{script_path} is not found")
msg = f"Can not find {script_path}"
self.event_manager.fire_event(TOPIC_ABORT, f"'{self.script_path}' is aborted, {msg}")
raise ValueError(msg)
return target_file

Expand Down
9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions nvflare/client/ipc/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -104,8 +104,13 @@ def __init__(
self.cell.register_request_cb(channel=defs.CHANNEL, topic=defs.TOPIC_HEARTBEAT, cb=self._handle_heartbeat)
self.cell.register_request_cb(channel=defs.CHANNEL, topic=defs.TOPIC_BYE, cb=self._handle_bye)
self.cell.register_request_cb(channel=defs.CHANNEL, topic=defs.TOPIC_ABORT, cb=self._handle_abort_task)
Expand Down
18 changes: 17 additions & 1 deletion nvflare/dashboard/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -153,7 +153,11 @@ def cloud(args):
print(f"Dashboard launch script for cloud is written at {dest}. Now running the script.")
print(f"Dashboard launch script for cloud is written at {dest}. Now running it.")
if args.vpc_id and args.subnet_id:
option = [f"--vpc-id={args.vpc_id}", f"--subnet-id={args.subnet_id}"]
print(f"Option of the script: {option}")
dest = [dest] + option
_ =

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -192,6 +196,18 @@ def define_dashboard_parser(parser):
parser.add_argument("--cred", help="set credential directly in the form of USER_EMAIL:PASSWORD")
parser.add_argument("-i", "--image", help="set the container image name")
parser.add_argument("--local", action="store_true", help="start dashboard locally without docker image")
help="VPC id for AWS EC2 instance. Applicable to AWS only. Ignored if subnet-id is not specified.",
help="Subnet id for AWS EC2 instance. Applicable to AWS only. Ignored if vpc-id is not specified.",

def handle_dashboard(args):
Expand Down
3 changes: 1 addition & 2 deletions nvflare/fuel/f3/cellnet/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -20,13 +20,12 @@
from typing import Dict, List, Union

from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.core_cell import CoreCell, TargetMessage
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.defs import MessageHeaderKey, MessageType, ReturnCode
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.defs import CellChannel, MessageHeaderKey, MessageType, ReturnCode
from nvflare.fuel.f3.cellnet.utils import decode_payload, encode_payload, make_reply
from nvflare.fuel.f3.message import Message
from nvflare.fuel.f3.stream_cell import StreamCell
from nvflare.fuel.f3.streaming.stream_const import StreamHeaderKey
from nvflare.fuel.f3.streaming.stream_types import StreamFuture
from nvflare.private.defs import CellChannel
from import secure_format_exception

Expand Down
36 changes: 36 additions & 0 deletions nvflare/fuel/f3/cellnet/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -135,3 +135,39 @@ class AbortRun(Exception):

class InvalidRequest(Exception):

class SSLConstants:
"""hard coded names related to SSL."""

CERT = "ssl_cert"
PRIVATE_KEY = "ssl_private_key"
ROOT_CERT = "ssl_root_cert"

class CellChannel:

CLIENT_MAIN = "admin"
AUX_COMMUNICATION = "aux_communication"
SERVER_MAIN = "task"
SERVER_COMMAND = "server_command"
SERVER_PARENT_LISTENER = "server_parent_listener"
CLIENT_COMMAND = "client_command"
CLIENT_SUB_WORKER_COMMAND = "client_sub_worker_command"
MULTI_PROCESS_EXECUTOR = "multi_process_executor"
SIMULATOR_RUNNER = "simulator_runner"
RETURN_ONLY = "return_only"

class CellChannelTopic:

Register = "register"
Quit = "quit"
GET_TASK = "get_task"
SUBMIT_RESULT = "submit_result"
HEART_BEAT = "heart_beat"
EXECUTE_RESULT = "execute_result"
FIRE_EVENT = "fire_event"
REPORT_JOB_FAILURE = "report_job_failure"

SIMULATOR_WORKER_INIT = "simulator_worker_init"

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